Sekcia jadrovej fyziky
Uľitočné linky
Jadrová fyzika I.
Jadrová fyzika II.
Physics Preprint servers
Osobné stránky
Pracovné skupiny a projekty
Miestne zdroje
Addison-Wesley Publishing
AIP Press: General Information
Benjamin/Cummings Home Page (unofficial)
Cambridge University Press
Elsevier Science
Harvard University Press WWW Page
IOP publishing
MacMillan Publishing USA
Miller Freeman, Inc.
The MIT Press
O'Reilly & Associates
Publisher of information on the Internet, programming, system administration, UNIX, and X.
oxford University Press
Prentice Hall
SPIE (The International Society for Optical Engineering)Publications
Springer-Verlag Home Page
[New York, USA]
TELOS, The Electronic Library of Science
University of North Carolina (UNC) Press
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Posledná aktualizácia: 21.4.2009