List of Figures
Related Documents
Preliminary remarks
Related Documents
List of Figures
List of Tables
FATMEN -- Overview
Advantages of using the FATMEN system
The components of the FATMEN system
ZEBRA - The data structure management system
KUIP - The user interface package
ORACLE - The relational database system
TMS - The CERN Tape Management System
CSPACK - The Client Server package (CERN Program Library Q124)
VAXTAP - VAX Tape Utilities (CERN Program Library Z312)
The FATMEN model
The FATMEN File Catalogue
The Generic Name
The components of the generic name
The catalogue name
The experiment name
The path name
The file name
The dataset name, or fileid
The relationship between the generic name and datasets
The Command Line interface
The FIND and MAKE commands
The FORTRAN callable interface
The Tape Management System
Interacting with the FATMEN catalogue
Remote access to the FATMEN file catalogue
Remote access to data
File Catalogue Structure Overview
The ORACLE database
The ZEBRA RZ databases
Remote RZ databases
Reliability of the file catalogue
Restrictions of the file catalogue
FATMEN -- Tutorial
A tutorial introduction to FATMEN
What is FATMEN?
How does FATMEN help?
Explanation of terms
The location code
The copy level
Using the FATMEN catalogue - a simple example
Starting to work with the FATMEN system
Adding information to the file catalogue
Adding existing data to the FATMEN catalogue
Adding and referencing data using the FATMEN shell
Adding data using the FORTRAN callable interface
Access to data using the FORTRAN callable interface
Access to data step by step
FMOPEN options
Access to tape data
VM/CMS systems running HEPVM software
VAX/VMS systems running VAXTAP software
Cray Unicos systems
Unix systems running the SHIFT tape software
Access to remote data
The relationship between generic names, keys vectors and Zebra banks
The FATMEN selection rules
Using FATMEN to make copies of datasets
Using the TMS tag information
Using tape pools within the TMS
Using a Zebra link area to protect the addresses of FATMEN banks
Using the routine FMALLO to allocate a tape
Processing multiple entries
Deleting multiple files using the FATMEN shell
Access to TMS tag information
Run time tailoring of the FATMEN system
Host name and account fields
Media attributes
Tailoring the FATMEN selection
Plotting information from the FATMEN catalogue
FATMEN -- User Guide
Introduction to the FATMEN File System User Interface
Parameter offsets
Recent changes to FATMEN routines
Calling sequences and return codes
Generic names and path names
The FATMEN Fortran callable interface routines
Novice interface routines
Initialise FATMEN system
Access a dataset
Deaccess a dataset
Add a tape file
Add a disk file
Return information on FATMEN entry
Add entry to catalogue
Routines that manipulate the FATMEN catalogue
Initialise FATMEN system
Terminate FATMEN package
Set logging level of FATMEN package
Control updating mode
Purge old entries from catalogue
Get information on named file
Get information on named file with key selection
Add entry to FATMEN catalogue
Modify existing entry
Create a new FATMEN bank
Create a link to an existing catalogue entry
Remove entry from FATMEN catalogue
Remove a link from a FATMEN catalogue
Make directory
Routines to modify the contents of the FATMEN banks
Set contents of FATMEN bank
Insert character data into FATMEN bank
Read character data from FATMEN bank
Insert integer vector into FATMEN bank
Read integer vector from FATMEN bank
Insert integer value into FATMEN bank
Read integer value from FATMEN bank
Routines that provide access to the data
Find existing dataset and associate with logical unit
Create new dataset
Open a dataset for read or write
Shift/CORE specific considerations
Close file opened via FATMEN
Copy a dataset and update the FATMEN catalogue
Queue a copy request
Copy a dataset over the network and update the FATMEN catalogue
Routines to select or list catalogue entries
Check whether generic name already exists
List files in specified directory
Display contents of FATMEN bank
Count file names
Scan FATMEN directory structure
Loop through FATMEN file names
Return directory names in directory structure
Return file names in directory structure
Sort file names and keys
Rank generic names by tape volume and file sequence number
Match file name against pattern
Match multiple names against pattern
Print contents of FATMEN keys vector
Select files using the FATMEN keys
Select files using the FATMEN bank information
Select files using keys matrix
Compare FATMEN entries
User exits
Print user words and comment
User selection
Routines to allocate media and interface to the TMS
Allocate new piece of media
Get volume from name pool with sufficient free space
Manipulate VOLINFO tag field
Move volumes between TMS pools
Obtain volume characteristics
Obtain media information
Software write lock a volume
Software write enable a volume
Issue SYSREQ command
Set default media information
Add additional media definitions
Get, Set or Delete TMS Tags
Routines to tailor FATMEN selection
Declare location codes to FATMEN
Load location code definitions from a file
Obtain location code corresponding to a node
Obtain list of node names corresponding to a location
Declare media types to FATMEN
Declare copy levels to FATMEN
Declare selection matrix and options to FATMEN
Declare media types to FATMEN
Utility routines
Search in names file
Modify user words
Declare logical units to FATMEN
Get a free logical unit
Get a free logical unit
Verify bank contents
Pack date and time.
Unpack date and time.
Pack date and time for VAX format.
Unpack date and time for VAX format.
Obsolete routines
Return file names in specified directory
Return file names in directory structure
Obtain names of subdirectories in specified tree
User routine to allocate new piece of media
Create a new FATMEN bank
Get the address of a FATMEN bank
Obtain volume characteristics
A sample FORTRAN program
The FATMEN interactive interface
Summary of commands
Using the command line interface
Using KUIP macros with FATMEN CLI
Continuation lines within KUIP macros
Accessing the data in the FATMEN database
Access to the Tape Management System
Accessing existing tape data
Creating new tape data
FATMEN -- Installation and Management Guide
General hints
Availability of PAM files, libraries and FATMEN shell
Using ZEBRA, HBOOK etc. with FATMEN
The size of the users' store
Calling MZWIPE
Using FATMEN without a Tape Management System
Installing FATMEN
Installing FATMEN on a new machine
Access to data
Using the FATMEN catalogue
Configuring FATMEN
VM/CMS systems
VAX/VMS systems
Unix systems
Remote access to the FATMEN catalogue
DECnet access to FATMEN catalogues
NFS access to FATMEN catalogues
AFS access to FATMEN catalogues
CSPACK access to FATMEN catalogues
FATCAT - the dedicated FATMEN server at CERN
Distribution of catalogue updates
Configuring servers on VM systems
Transferring updates to VAX/VMS systems via Interlink
Configuring servers on VMS, MVS and Unix systems
Using a gateway service machine on VM systems
The Program FATSEND
Installing VAXTAP for tape access on VAX/VMS systems
The VM FATMEN service machines
Setting up a new service machine
Generating the FATMEN EXECs
Monitoring the FATMEN servers
Names file entries for the FATMEN Servers
Generating the ORACLE tables
Generating the SQL/DS tables
Restoring the RZ files from ORACLE or SQL/DS
Recreating the FATMEN RZ file directly
Extracting information from ORACLE or SQL/DS as FZ updates
The FATMEN code
Structure of the FATMEN PAM file
Installing the FATMEN software
Installation of FATMEN on CERNVM
Generating the FATLIB library
The FATMEN module (for the command line interface)
Processing the ORACLE routines for the FATMEN server
Generating the code for the FATMEN server
Generating the FATMEN server for remote VM systems
Tailoring the FATMEN shell
KUIP macros
Adding commands to the FATMEN shell
Monitoring information
Monitoring information in the FATMEN catalogue
Monitoring information logged per file access
Session logging
The fatcat server
Overview of FATCAT files and directories
Managing the servers
Monitoring the servers
Catalogue recovery
Finding the corrupted entries
Recovering from corrupted entries
Skipping bad directories
Restoring the corrupted entries
CHEOPS interface
Building the FATMEN/CHEOPS interface on a Unix system
Building the FMCHEOPS server on a VM/CMS system
CHEOPS interface to the FATMEN system
Stage in a file
Stage out a file
Security issues
Restricting read access to catalogue information
Access to files catalogued in FATMEN
Access control lists
Account aliases
Update control
Volume Organisation in TMS
Volume Ownership in TMS
Volume Access Rules in TMS
Creating TMS pools for use with FATMEN
TMS return codes
Summary of the FATMEN system
Disk file name
Disk files and VAXclusters
Disk files and DFS or NFS
Location code
Username (MCURFA)
Jobname (MCJIFA)
Account (MCIDFA)
Host name (MHSTFA, MCNIFA)
Host type (MHSTFA)
Host Operating System (MHOSFA)
Janne Saarela
Mon May 15 09:59:59 METDST 1995