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The FATMEN package has undergone continuous evolution since its first introduction in 1989. During this time many people have contributed to the system, through discussions or by providing code and assistance.

The FATMEN system depends upon a number of other packages, such as the Tape Management System and numerous tape staging subsystems. The help of the authors and maintainers of such systems is gratefully acknowledged.

This document has been produced using LaTeX [1] with the cernman style option, developed at CERN. A compressed PostScript file, containing a complete printable version of this manual, can be obtained from any CERN machine by anonymous ftp as follows (commands to be typed by the user are underlined)gif:

    Connected to
    220 asis01 FTP server (Version 6.10 ...) ready.
    Name (asis01:username): anonymous
    Password: your_mailaddress
    230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
    ftp> cd cernlib/doc/ps.dir
    ftp> binary
    ftp> get    ! one page per physical page
    ftp> get   ! two pages per physical page
    ftp> quit

Janne Saarela
Mon May 15 09:59:59 METDST 1995