atom Section of Nuclear Physics atom

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Synthesis of the new elements (prof. RNDr. S.Saro, DrSc.)
Physics and reaction mechanism study of the heaviest atomic nuclei (prof. RNDr. S.Saro, DrSc.)
Spectroscopy study of the heavy reaction products (Mgr. S. Antalic, PhD.)
Shape coexistance study above the shell closure at Z=82 and close to the neutron mid-shell at N=104 (Mgr. S. Antalic, PhD.)
Electron capture delayed fission (Mgr. S. Antalic, PhD.)
Measurements and computer modeling of cosmogenic nuclides in the terrestrial and extraterrestrial objects (prof. RNDr. J.Masarik DrSc.)
geochemical mapping of planets, comets and asteroids using gamma radiation (prof. RNDr. J.Masarik DrSc.)
Physiscs of heavy quarks (doc. RNDr. S.Tokar CSc.)
Environmental radioactivity measurements of 14C, 85Kr and 222Rn (doc. RNDr. K.Holy CSc.)
Daily and annual variations of 222Rn (doc. RNDr. K.Holy CSc.)
Radioactivity measurements of atmospheric aerosols (7Be, 137Cs, 207Pb...) (doc. RNDr. I. Sıkora PhD.)
TPC detector developments (prof. RNDr. B. Sitar CSc.)

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Last update: 11.11.2008