Slovenská verzia
Advanced Quantum Mechanics
Winter School, 4-8 February 2008,
Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia
- Quantum-Mechanical Propagators
- Bell Inequalities
- Measurement in QM and Decoherence
- Neutrino Oscillations
- Mixed States and Density Matrix Formalism
- Quantum Cryptography
- Exponential Decay in QM
- Particle in a Magnetic Field
- Coherent States
- Density Functional Theory
- WKB Approximation
- Introduction to Quantum Theory of Magnetism
- Adiabatic Theorem
- Kähler Geometry & Quantum Mechanics
- Second Order Time Independent Perturbation Theory
More details:
List of Abstracts
Language: The lectures are prepared in English.
If only Slovak speakers show up in the audience the lectures will be
presented in Slovak.
The school is organised by the Theoretical Physics Group,
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University
Bratislava, with the support from the European Union (ESF Project CEPOŠ).
Local Organising Committee: Tomáš Blažek and Denis Kochan.