Slovenská verzia
Physics at One Loop
High Energy Physics Summer School
14 - 21 September 2008, Svit, Slovakia
How to Apply
Participation at the School is by invitation only.
Everyone is welcome to submit her/his application to be invited.
The School should attract physics
who already have some familiarity with Feynman diagrams. We will do our best to make the programme
attractive for students interested in both theory and experiment.
The School is supported by a European Social Fund project. However, the project can only
cover expenses of participants from Slovak institutions. If you
are from a Slovak institution and wish to apply please fill in
this form. Please be adviced that if invited we shall need your cooperation in signing
extensive paperwork related to the rules of ESF project administration.
Very few special student fellowships can be granted to students from a partner
university/institution participating
in the Central European Joint Program of Doctoral Studies in Theoretical Physics.
The fellowship covers the living expenses in Svit and the Bratislava-Svit
and Svit-Bratislava bus rides on 14/9 and 21/9, respectively.
If you are from a partner institution of the CE Joint Program and wish to apply
for this fellowship
please fill in
this form.
Expenses of applicants who are not from a Slovak institution
or who have not been granted the CE Joint Program Fellowship
must be covered by the home institution or other sources of the applicant.
The cost covering room and board is 300 euros payable uppon arrival.
If you fall into this category and wish to apply
please fill in
this form.
Applicants should contact T. Blaľek
(e-mail: blazek
or D. Kochan
(e-mail: kochan
sending in the appropriate form. Applicants from Slovak institutions are
encouraged to deliver their form on paper.
Preference will be given to students applying before
31 July 2008.
School Homepage