C347: Complete Elliptic Integrals of First, Second, and Third Kind

Author(s): K.S. Kölbig Library: MATHLIB
Submitter: Submitted: 07.06.1992
Language: Fortran Revised:

Function subprograms RELI1C, RELI2C, RELI3C and DELI1C, DELI2C, DELI3C calculate the complete elliptic integrals of the first, second and third kind, respectively.

Function subprograms RELIGC and DELIGC calculate a general complete elliptic integral.

Function subprograms RELIKC, RELIEC and DELIKC, DELIEC calculate the complete elliptic integrals K(k) and E(k).

On CDC and Cray computers, the double-precision versions DELI1C etc. are not available.

Mainly for reasons of numerical stability, the algorithms are based on the following definitions:

First kind:


Second kind:


Third kind:


Note that tex2html_wrap_inline336 . For p < 0, the integral tex2html_wrap_inline340 is defined by its principal value.

The general integral:


For p < 0, this integral is defined by its principal value. See Notes for special cases.

The functions K(k) and E(k):


Other common definitions of the complete elliptic integrals and their relations to tex2html_wrap_inline344 , tex2html_wrap_inline346 , tex2html_wrap_inline348 are listed here for convenience ( tex2html_wrap_inline350 ):
First kind:


Second kind:


Third kind:



FUNCTION subprograms
User Entry Names:

Obsolete User Entry Names:
ELLICK tex2html_wrap_inline358 RELIKC, ELLICE tex2html_wrap_inline360 RELIEC,
DELLIK tex2html_wrap_inline362 DELIKC, DELLIE tex2html_wrap_inline364 DELIEC

Files Referenced: Unit 6
External References: MTLMTR, ABEND


In any arithmetic expression, with tex2html_wrap_inline366 and tex2html_wrap_inline368 ,

RELI1C(AKP) or DELI1C(AKP) has the value tex2html_wrap_inline370 ,
RELI2C(AKP,A,B) or DELI2C(AKP,A,B) has the value tex2html_wrap_inline372 ,
RELI3C(AKP,AK2,P) or DELI3C(AKP,AK2,P) has the value tex2html_wrap_inline374 ,
RELIGC(AKP,P,A,B) or DELIGC(AKP,P,A,B) has the value tex2html_wrap_inline376 ,
RELIKC(AK) or DELIKC(AK) has the value K(k),
RELIEC(AK) or DELIEC(AK) has the value E(k),

where RELI1C etc are of type REAL, DELI1C etc are of type DOUBLE PRECISION, and AKP, AK, AK2, A, B and P have the same type as the function name.

The redundant parameter AK2 in RELI3C and DELI3C permits improved accuracy when tex2html_wrap_inline382 is small, i.e. tex2html_wrap_inline384 . In this case, tex2html_wrap_inline386 should be calculated using higher-precision arithmetic and then truncated before calling the subprogram.


The evaluation of tex2html_wrap_inline388 , tex2html_wrap_inline390 , tex2html_wrap_inline392 is based on the Landen transformation, that of tex2html_wrap_inline394 on the Bartky transformation. For details, see Ref. 1-3. For K(k) and E(k) Chebyshev approximations are used (see Ref. 4).


The REAL functions (except on CDC and Cray computers) have full single-precision accuracy. The REAL functions on CDC and Cray, and the DOUBLE PRECISION functions on all computers have an accuracy approximately two significant digits less than the machine precision.


1. RELI1C and DELI1C: tex2html_wrap_inline400 .
2. RELI2C and DELI2C: tex2html_wrap_inline402 or tex2html_wrap_inline404 and tex2html_wrap_inline406 .
3. RELI3C and DELI3C: AKP*P tex2html_wrap_inline408 0.
4. RELIGC and DELIGC: tex2html_wrap_inline410 .
5. RELIKC and DELIKC: tex2html_wrap_inline412 , RELIEC and DELIEC: tex2html_wrap_inline414 .

Error handling:

Error C347.1: Restriction 1 is not satisfied.
Error C347.2: Restriction 2 is not satisfied.
Error C347.3: Restriction 3 is not satisfied.
Error C347.4: Restriction 4 is not satisfied.
Error C347.5: Restriction 5 is not satisfied.
In all cases, the function value is set equal to zero, and a message is written on Unit 6, unless subroutine MTLSET (N002) has been called.


Every linear combination of the three special complete elliptic integrals K(k), E(k), tex2html_wrap_inline420 may be expressed in terms of tex2html_wrap_inline422 :


Special examples are


If tex2html_wrap_inline428 then tex2html_wrap_inline430 will evaluate any linear combination of K(k), E(k), tex2html_wrap_inline436 without cancellation (such as would occur, for example, if (K(k)-E tex2html_wrap_inline440 were to be computed from values of K(k) and E(k) which had been computed separately.

Other functions which can be represented by tex2html_wrap_inline446 are the Jacobian Zeta function tex2html_wrap_inline448 and the Heuman Lambda function tex2html_wrap_inline450 (see Ref. 5):


(Quoted from Ref. 3, slightly modified).

The subprograms for tex2html_wrap_inline454 , tex2html_wrap_inline456 are based on the Algol60 procedures cel1, cel2 in Ref. 1, those for tex2html_wrap_inline458 on cel3 in Ref. 2, and those for tex2html_wrap_inline460 on cel in Ref. 3.


  1. R. Bulirsch, Numerical calculation of elliptic integrals and elliptic functions, Numer. Math. 7 (1965) 78-90.
  2. R. Bulirsch, Numerical calculation of elliptic integrals and elliptic functions II, Numer. Math. 7 (1965) 353-354.
  3. R. Bulirsch, Numerical calculation of elliptic integrals and elliptic functions III, Numer. Math. 13 (1969) 305-315.
  4. W.J. Cody, Chebyshev approximations for the complete elliptic integrals K and E, Math. Comp. 19 (1965) 105-112.
  5. P.F. Byrd and M.D. Friedman, Handbook of elliptic integrals for engineers and scientists, 2nd ed., Springer-Verlag Berlin (1971) 33-37.

Michel Goossens Tue Jun 4 23:02:00 METDST 1996