Author(s): K.S. Kölbig | Library: MATHLIB |
Submitter: | Submitted: 07.06.1992 |
Language: Fortran | Revised: 15.03.1993 |
Subroutine MTLSET allows the user to redefine the action to be taken by certain subprograms in MATHLIB when certain specified error conditions are detected. Error recovery may be performed either on each occurrence of the error, or only a specified number of times. Messages may be written either on each occurrence of the error, or only a specified number of times. Error messages may be written (by default) onto the system output unit, or may be re-routed to some other output file.
SUBROUTINE subprogram
User Entry Names: MTLSET
Internal Entry Names: MTLMTR
Files Referenced: Printer or user-defined
External References: ABEND
If the six-character string ER ends with one or more blanks,
LM and LR apply to all error conditions whose leftmost
characters match the non-blank characters of ER.
Thus ER = 'C2 ' (four blanks) applies to all error
conditions in packages C200 to C299, and ER = ' '
(six blanks) applies to all error conditions under the control of