Author(s): K.S. Kölbig | Library: MATHLIB |
Submitter: | Submitted: 12.09.1985 |
Language: Fortran | Revised: 15.03.1993 |
Function subprograms CGPLG and WGPLG calculate the complex-valued generalized polylogarithm function
for real arguments x and integer n and m satisfying
i.e., one of the functions
. If
is real,
and the imaginary part is set equal to zero.
The double-precision version WGPLG is available only on computers which support a COMPLEX*16 Fortran data type.
FUNCTION subprograms
User Entry Names: CGPLG, WGPLG
Files Referenced: Unit 6
External References: MTLMTR, ABEND
In any arithmetic expression,
CGPLG(N,M,X) or WGPLG(N,M,X) has the value
The method is described in Ref. 1.
Note that the imaginary part of the function defined as
in Ref. 1 has the opposite sign to the
imaginary part of the function defined by (*). See Ref. 2.
CGPLG (except on CDC and Cray computers) has full single-precision accuracy. For most values of the argument X, WGPLG (and CGPLG on CDC and Cray computers) has an accuracy of approximately two significant digits less than the machine precision. The loss of accuracy is greater when X is very close to 1.
Error handling:
Error C321.1: or
The function value is set equal to zero, and a message is written on
Unit 6, unless subroutine MTLSET (N002) has been called.