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COMIS - What is it ?

COMIS (a COMpilation and Interpretation System) is a Fortran interpreter. With COMIS you can interactively define, edit and execute any Fortran-like routines (e.g., consisting of one simple output statement), without recompiling and relinking. A small user interface system is part of COMIS, and an interface with the local editor is also provided. COMIS is one of the key components of the PAW system and is currently implemented on IBM VM/CMS, VAX/VMS, Apollo (Aegis and Unix), IBM RS/6000, DEC Station 3100, Silicon Graphics, Sun, HP/UX and MSDOS. It can also be used as an interactive compiler and interpreter from inside a Fortran 77 program. If the source of your program to be compiled is in a file IFORT.FOR then you should use the following code:

Example of calling COMIS from within Fortran

    CALL HLIMIT(10000)
    CALL CSINIT(2000)
    GO TO 1
$ Fortran IFORT
$ link IFORT,'LIB$'
$ run IFORT
You can run the simple example below by typing the lines below in response to the COMIS prompt ``CS>'':   DO 1 X=3.14, -3.14,-0.7
or the same code in short notation as: DO X=3.14, -3.14,-0.7 PRINT *,X,SIN(X) OD # The sequence STOP END will cause exit from COMIS.

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