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Data type declarations

      full form                  short form
      -----                  -----
      INTEGER                    INT
      REAL                       REAL
      LOGICAL                    LOG
      CHARACTER                  CHAR
      CHARACTER*(*)              CHAR*(*)
      CHARACTER *n               CHAR *n
      COMPLEX                    COMPLEX

DIMENSION statement

In F77 the upper bound of the last dimension may be specified as '*'. COMIS does not allow it.

EQUIVALENCE statement or EQU

The short form of this statement is EQU.

In F77 a character type variable may be equivalenced with another character variable. COMIS does not allow this.

DATA statement

In F77 named common blocks may be initialized by means of a DATA statement in a BLOCK DATA subprogram. COMIS does not support BLOCK DATA subprogram, but DATA statement may be used to initialize common blocks in any COMIS routines. Note that COMIS does not support an implied DO list in a DATA statement to initialize the elements of an array.

IMPLICIT statement or IMP

This statement is the same as the standard one. COMIS supports the IMPLICIT NONE statement also.

SAVE statement

All data are saved in COMIS .

In F77 a named common block name (preceded and followed by a slash) is allowed in SAVE lists. COMIS does not allow this.

INTRINSIC statement

This statement is at present not supported by COMIS.

COMMON statement or COM

This statement is the same as the standard one. The COMMON statement defines the position and the order of the user's variables and/or arrays in storage . The common block with the same name must be present in the application program (see also section 3.3).

USE statement

 USE list
In any COMIS routines one can have access to variables' names, defined in COMMON declarations in the main COMIS program (see section 2.5.1). This can be done by the USE statement, in which one should declare the names of a corresponding COMMON block. The name BLANK$ should be declared in the list for access to variable names of a non labeled COMMON.

VECTOR statement

This statement can be used in a PAW version of COMIS only. The declaration VECTOR vector_name may be used inside a COMIS routine to address a KUIP vector. If the vector does not exist, it is created with the specifications provided by the declared dimension. The vectors x and y defined in the example on page [*] show how this works.

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