response of linear amplifiers |
Problem how to design of amplifiers which give
uniform gain and phase delay over the frequency pass - band. For example:
pass - band in region:
20 Hz - 100 kHz for audio amplifiers
0 - 4,5 MHz for video amplifiers.
RC (resistance - capacitance) coupling amplifier
are mostly used. Otherwise direct coupled amplifiers (in integrated form).
Most circuits for pulse shaping are based on the
chain RC and transmission lines. Before proceeding to the subject of pulse
processing I will deal briefly with the RC passive filters and with other
interesting subject of transmission lines

Filters |

filter |
The magnitude in dB [=> logarithmic scale].
Magnitude curve is flat for low frequency and rolls off at high frequency.
The phase shifts from 0o to 90o at high frequencies.
Low-pass filter circuit (RC circuit) and frequency
(Low-frequency asymptote
0dB/decade, high-frequency asymptote - 20dB/decade). Phase shift characteristic
(arctangent curve) has pulse shift 45deg at frequency w=1/t. |

filter |
Ideal high - pass filter passes all frequencies
above some frequency w0
, j(w0)=45o
and no frequencies bellow that value. At low frequencies the magnitude
has slope +20dB/decade due to term wt
in the numerator.
High-pass filter circuit (CR circuit) and frequency
characteristic. |
(Low-frequency asymptote
0dB/decade, high-frequency asymptote - 20dB/decade). Phase shift characteristic
(arctangent curve) has pulse shift 45deg at frequency w=1/t. |
Simple networks are capable of realizing characteristics
with w0 as
a center frequency of pass or rejection band and the frequency wL0,
at which the maximum or minimum occurs is called cutoff frequency (
lower / upper break frequency)
The width of the pass / rejection band - bandwidth
BW = wH0 -wL0
Band-pass and band-rejection
filters and characteristics

domain vs. time domain |
Considering the response of pass CR filter to
rectangular pulse in time domain (a rectangular pulse generated
as a positive step function at t = 0 s and a negative step function to
the end of duration of a pulse) we will obtain a sag of the pulse with
duration ti. For small x<<1 is 1-exp(-x) ~x and the exponential
function can be replaced with the first terms of its series
Allowable slope of the pulse hight
after shaping rectangular pulse |
Small sag is obtained by making td=CR
large with respect to the pulse duration (=> ti/td
is small).From low frequency band limit definition wd=2pfd=1/td=1/RC.
ratio terms of shape that sags d=DU0/U0=ti/td=ti2pfd.
Relation between frequency domain characteristic
and time domain response characteristic
=> for small sag (<< 10%) is necessary
small fd.
The rise time dependents on the pulse transfer
in the high frequencies characteristic region or rise time is due to frequency
distortion. If the leading edge of the input pulse is a step function then
the output rise time (measured at 10% level t10 and 90% level
t90 is defined tra=t90-t10=2.3
Considering that RC circuits is law-pass device with upper break frequency
and ti=RC=tra/(2.2),
then relation between rise time tra and upper break frequency
Determinating of the active pulse
rise time tra |
