Representation of a
FZ -- Sequential
User specifications for the FZ package
Representation of a data-structure
Events, Runs, and Files
Outline of usage for medium Disk or Tape
FZFILE - initialize a ZEBRA file
FZLOGL - change the logging level of a file
FZMEMO - connect user memory area for medium Memory
FZHOOK - connect user routine for medium Channel
FZLIMI - limit the size of an output file
FZODAT - storing and recovering the direct access table
FZRUN - write a RUN record
FZOUT - write one data-structure
FZIN - read one data-structure
FZIN - read one data-structure by segments
FZINXT - reset the read point on a direct access file
FZCOPY - copy one data-structure from input to output
FZENDO - output file termination
FZENDI - input file termination
Usage for random access
Usage for medium Memory
Usage for medium Channel
User marking of data-structures for #FZOUT>FZOUT
Suppress loading of unused parts of FZ
FZ installation options
Janne Saarela
Mon May 15 08:34:47 METDST 1995