IQ(LID+1) n = number of ID's stored 2 ji of the last characteristic retrieved 3 IDH of the last characteristic retrieved 4 IDH #1 ... n+3 IDH #n IQ(LIX+1) ji in QIOD for IDH #1 2 ji for IDH #2 ... IQ(LIOD+1) n = number of words occupied; j1 = 1 j1+1 start of 1st characteristic, n1 words, j2 = j1 + n1 j2+1 2nd n2 words, j3 = j2 + n2 ... characteristic i is stored at ji in QIOD as NW+1 words: word 1: 16 bits: control-byte | | 5 bits: NW | 5 bits: NW+1 | 6 bits: 1 word 2: first extra I/O word (if any) ... word NW+1: last extra I/O word LID | / \ ______________ ______________ | | | | LQFORM ----> | QID | | QID | list of | for +ve ID's | | for -ve ID's | identifiers -- |______________| |______________| | | | | | -2 | -1 | -1 | ______________ ______________ | | | | | | | QIOX | | QIOX | adr in QIOD | | +ve | | -ve | corresponding | |______________| |______________| | | \ / | | | | LIX __________ | | LIOD -> | QIOD | I/O characteristics |__________| stored