The first letter indicates the mode of the variable according to the Fortran convention, thus I -> N is INTEGER, else REAL, and we add: small c to designate CHARACTER small l to designate LOGICAL * marks output variables V as last or last-but-one letter indicates a vector variable W as last or last-but-one letter indicates a matrix variable sW as last letters indicate a packed symmetric matrix variable tW as last letters indicate a packed triangular matrix variable M as last letter means that the mode of the variable is immaterial FL stands for Fortran Library COMMON /SLATE/ISL(40) returns extra information
Z035 CALL ABEND abnormal job-step termination Z007 CALL DATIME (IDATE*,ITIME*) integer date / time, IDATE= yymmdd, ITIME= hhmm ISL(1/6) = 19yy mm dd hh mm ss Z007 CALL DATIMH (IDTV*,ITMV*) Hollerith date and time IDT= 8Hyy/mm/dd, ITM= M220 CALL IE3FOD (DV,TV*,NDP,JBAD) convert IEEE <- Double M220 CALL IE3FOS (SV,TV*,N, JBAD) convert IEEE <- Single M220 CALL IE3TOD (TV,DV*,NDP,JBAD) convert IEEE -> Double M220 CALL IE3TOS (TV,SV*,N, JBAD) convert IEEE -> Single Z044 lo = INTRAC () .true. if interactive running Y201 IX = IUBIN (A,PAR,SPILL) histogram bin, PAR=NA,DA,ALOW Y201 IX = IUCHAN (A,ALOW,DA,NA) histogram bin IX V304 JX = IUCOMP (IT,IAV,N) find first IT in IA, JX=O if not found V304 JX = IUCOLA (IT,IAV,N) find last IT in IA, JX=O if not found V304 JX = IUFIND (IT,IAV,JL,JR) find first IT in IA(JL/JR), JX=JR+1 if not found V304 JX = IUFILA (IT,IAV,JL,JR) find last IT in IA(JL/JR), JX=JR+1 if not found Y201 IX = IUHIST (A,PAR,SPILL) histogram bin, PAR=NA,1./DA,ALOW V304 JX = IUHUNT (IT,IAV,N,NA) find IT in IA(1/N),every NA, JX=0 if not found V304 JX = IULAST (IT,IAV,N) find last word in IA(1/N) not having IT JX=0 if all are IT M501 NX = IUSAME (IAV,JL,JR,MIN,JS*) search IA(JL/JR) for string of at least MIN same elements, if found: NX same elements, first is IA(JS) else: NX=0, JS=JR+1 Z100 CALL JOBNAM (IDV*) get name of job into 8 char. Hollerith Z042 IAD= JUMPAD (external) get the target transfer adr Z042 CALL JUMPST (IAD) set the target transfer adr Z042 CALL JUMPX0 transfer with no parameters as set Z042 CALL JUMPX1 (p1) transfer with 1 parameter Z042 CALL JUMPX2 (p1,p2) transfer with 2 parameters Z043 CALL JUMPT0 (IAD) transfer with no parameters to IAD Z043 CALL JUMPT1 (IAD,p1) transfer with 1 parameter Z043 CALL JUMPT2 (IAD,p1,p2) transfer with 2 parameters Z001 CALL KERNGT (LUN) print current version of KERNLIB M432 NX = LNBLNK (cTEXT) find last non-blank character in cTEXT N100 JX = LOCF (A) absolute word adr of variable A N100 JX = LOCB (A) absolute byte adr of variable A M215 FA = PSCALE (NX,NMAX,A,NDIG) find power of ten to scale for printing Z041 CALL QNEXTE enter or re-enter into user routine QNEXT V104 X = RNDM () simple random number V104 CALL RDMIN (ISEED) set the seed for RNDM V104 CALL RDMOUT (ISEED*) get the seed for RNDM M107 CALL SORTI (IXW*,NCOL,NROW,JEL) sort rows of integer matrix on element JEL M107 CALL SORTR (XW*,NCOL,NROW,JEL) sort rows of real matrix on element JEL M107 CALL SORTD (DXW*,NCOL,NROW,JEL) sort rows of double matrix on element JEL N203 CALL TCDUMP (TITL,AVM,N,MODE) MODE=3HFIH floating,integer,hollerith Z007 CALL TIMED (T*) T= seconds since last call to TIMED Z007 CALL TIMEL (T*) T= seconds left until time-limit Z007 CALL TIMET (T*) T= seconds of job ex. time used so far Z007 CALL TIMEST (TLIM) init. for TIMEL on IBM N105 CALL TRACEQ (LUN,N) print subroutine trace-back N levels deep V300 CALL UBLANK (IXV*,JL,JR) IX(J)= 'blanks' for J=JL,JR M409 CALL UBLOW (IAm, IA1*, NCH) copy Hollerith Am to A1, NCH characters M409 CALL UBUNCH (IA1, IAm*, NCH) copy Hollerith A1 to Am M409 CALL UCTOH (cHO, IAn*,N,NCH) copy Char/Holl Am to An M409 CALL UCTOH1 (cHO, IA1*, NCH) copy Char/Holl Am to A1 M409 CALL UHTOC (IAn,N,cCH*, NCH) copy Hollerith An to Character M409 CALL UH1TOC (IA1, cCH*, NCH) copy Hollerith A1 to Character V301 CALL UCOPY (AVM,XVM*,N) copy X(J) = A(J) for J=1,N V301 CALL UCOPY2 (AMV,XVM*,N) copy A to X, any overlap V301 CALL UCOPYN (IAV,IXV*,N) copy -ve integer: IX(J) = -IA(J) V301 CALL UCOPIV (AVM,XVM*,N) copy inverted, eg. X(1)=A(N) V302 CALL UCOCOP (AVM,XVM*,IDO,N,NA,NX) copy IDO times N words, every NA,NX V302 CALL UDICOP (AVM,XVM*,IDO,N,NA,NX) copy IDO times N words, every NA,NX V300 CALL UFILL (XVM*,JL,JR,AM) X(J)= A for J=JL,JR M502 CALL UOPT (IACT,IPOSS,IXV*,N) select options from poss., Hollerith M502 CALL UOPTC (cACT,cPOSS,IXV*) select options from possibilities V301 CALL USWOP (XVM*,YVM*,N) swop X(J)=Y(J), Y(J)=X(J) V300 CALL UZERO (IXVM*,JL,JR) IX(J)= O for J=JL,JR F121 CALL VBLANK (IXV*,N) IX(J)= hollerith BLANK for J=1,N F121 CALL VFILL (XVM*,N,AM) X(J)= A for J=1,N F121 CALL VFIX (AV,IXV*,N) IX(J) = A(J) for J=1,N F121 CALL VFLOAT (IAV,XV*,N) X(J) = IA(J) for J=1,N F121 CALL VZERO (IXVM*,N) IX(J)= O for J=1,N J200 CALL VIZPRI (LUN,cTEXT) print 1 line of large characters Z203 CALL XINB (LUN,XV*,*NX*) var. length: READ (LUN) NX,XV Z203 CALL XINBF (LUN,XV*,*NX*) fixed length: READ (LUN) XV Z203 CALL XINBS (LUN,XAV*,NA,XV*,*NX*) split: READ (LUN) NX,XAV,XV Z203 CALL XOUTB (LUN,V,N) var. length: WRITE (LUN) N,V Z203 CALL XOUTBF (LUN,V,N) fixed length: WRITE (LUN) V Z203 CALL XOUTBS (LUN,AV,NA,V,N) split mode: WRITE (LUN) N,AV,V
M441 IX = IAND (IWD1,IWD2) logical AND M441 IX = IEOR (IWD1,IWD2) logical exclusive OR M441 IX = IOR (IWD1,IWD2) logical OR M441 IW = NOT (IWD) logical NOT M441 IX = ISHFT (IWD,NSH) +ve: logical left shift by NSH places -ve: logical right shift by -NSH places M441 IX = ISHFTC (IWD,NSH,NBITS) left-circular shift by (+-)NSH places of the right-most NBITS bits
symbolic: 'byt' == IWD,J,NBITS is byte at J of NBITS bits in IWD M421 IX = JBIT (IWD,J) get bit J M421 IX = JBYT ( byt) get byte at J of NBITS bits in IWD M421 IX = JBYTET (IA, byt) get logical AND of IA and "byt" M421 IX = JBYTOR (IA, byt) get logical OR of IA and "byt" M421 IX = JRSBYT (IA, byt*) get "byt" and reset it to IA M421 CALL SBIT (I,IWD*,J) set in IWD bit J to I M421 IX = MSBIT (I,IWD, J) get IWD with bit J set to I M421 CALL SBIT0 (IWD*,J) set in IWD bit J to zero M421 IX = MSBIT0 (IWD, J) get IWD with bit J set to zero M421 CALL SBIT1 (IWD*,J) set in IWD bit J to 1 M421 IX = MSBIT1 (IWD, J) get IWD with bit J set to 1 M421 CALL SBYT (I, byt*) set in IWD "byt" to I M421 IX = MSBYT (I, byt) get IWD with "byt" set to I M421 CALL SBYTOR (I, byt*) set in IWD "byt" to OR of "byt" and I M421 IX = MBYTOR (I, byt) get IWD with "byt" set to OR of "byt" and I M421 IX = MBYTET (I, byt) get IWD with "byt" set to AND of "byt" and I M421 CALL CBYT (IWS,JS, byt*) copy byte at JS in IWS to "byt" M421 IX = MCBYT (IWS,JS, byt) get IWD with "byt" set to byte at JS of IWS M503 CALL UBITS (IAV,NBITS,IXV*,NX*) make list of bit-nos of non-zero bits M428 JX = LOCBYT (I,IAV,N,NEV,J,NBITS) is IUHUNT for byte-content I
MPAK=NBITS,INWORD: bytes of NBITS bits packed r-to-l, INWORD of them per word if NBITS = 0: assume NBITS=1 and INWORD = maximum M423 IX = INCBYT (INC,IPV*,J,MPAK) increment packed byte M422 IX = JBYTPK (IPV,J,MPAK) get packed byte M422 CALL SBYTPK (I,IPV*,J,MPAK) set packed byte M422 CALL PKBYT (IAV,IPV*,J,N,MPAK) pack byte-vector right-to-left M422 CALL UPKBYT (IPV,J,IAV*,N,MPAK) unpack byte-vector right-to-left MPAR=NBITS,NCHAR,NZONE,IGNOR,NFILL packing control, l-to-r M427 CALL PKCHAR (IAV,IPV*,N,MPAR) pack integers left-to-right M427 CALL UPKCH (IPV,IAV*,N,MPAR) unpack byte-vector left-to-right
M441 IX = IBITS (IWD,J,NBITS) get byte at J of NBITS bits M441 lo = BTEST (IWD,J) true if bit J is 1 M441 IX = IBSET (IWD,J) IX= IWD with bit J set to 1 M441 IX = IBCLR (IWD,J) IX= IWD with bit J set to 0 M441 CALL MVBITS (IA,JA,NBITS,IWD*,J) store byte at JA of IA into byte at J in IWD
some use COMMON /SLATE/ND,DUMMY(39), and status IST=0 if good Z265 IST= CHDIRF (cNAME) set current working directory Z265 CALL CTIMEF (ICLOCK,cTIME*) decode time from STATF to TIME*24 Z265 CALL GETENVF(cNAME,cVAL*) get value of environment variable ND = LNBLNK(cVAL) =0 if not found Z265 CALL GETPIDF(IPID*) get ID of the current process Z265 CALL GETWDF (cNAME*) get current working directory ND = LNBLNK(cNAME) Z265 CALL GMTIMEF(ICLOCK,ITM*) decode time from STATF TO ITM(1-9) CALL JMPSET (AREA*,external) do "setjmp" and go to "external" CALL JMPLONG(AREA,NUM) do "longjmp" Z265 IST= KILLF (IPID,ISGNAL) send signal to process IPID Z265 CALL PERRORF(cTEXT) print last Unix error tagged with cTEXT Z265 IST= RENAMEF(cFROM,cTO) rename file cFROM --> cTO IPR= SIGNALF(NUMSIG,ext,IFLAG) establish signal handler Z265 CALL SLEEPF (NSECS) suspend process for NSECS seconds Z265 IST= STATF (cNAME,INF*) get info about file cNAME to INF(1-12) Z265 IST= SYSTEMF(cCOMMAND) submit shell command CALL TMINIT (INIT*) initialize TMPRO / TMREAD CALL TMPRO (cPROMPT) display prompt on terminal CALL TMREAD (MAXCH,cLINE*,NCH*,IST*) read line from terminal NCH characters read into LINE IST -ve: EoF signal
symbolic "lmr" == LUNDES,MEDIUM,NWREC LUNDES: file-descriptor of C, output parameter of CFOPEN MEDIUM: 0 disk, 1 tape, 2 user disk, 3 user tape NWREC: number of Fortran words per record status return ISTAT is zero for success CALL CFOPEN (LUNDES*,MEDIUM,NWREC,cMODE,0,cNAME,ISTAT*) open the file cNAME cMODE= r r+ w w+ a a+ CALL CFGET ("lmr",*NB*,MBUF*,ISTAT*) read next record into MXBUF in: NB words to be tranfered out: NB words transfered CALL CFPUT ("lmr",MBUF, ISTAT*) write next record CALL CFSEEK ("lmr",NREC, ISTAT*) set current file position CALL CFTELL ("lmr",NREC*,ISTAT*) get current file position CALL CFSIZE ("lmr",NREC*,ISTAT*) seek file to end and get its size NREC: so many records before the next CALL CFREW (LUNDES,MEDIUM) rewind the file CALL CFCLOS (LUNDES,MEDIUM) close the file
FL X = ACOS (A) arcus cosinus, 0 -> PI FL X = ASIN (A) arcus sinus, -PI/2 -> PI/2 FL X = ATAN (A) arcus tangens, -PI/2 -> PI/2 FL X = ATAN2 (RSIN,RCOS) arcus tangens, -PI -> PI B101 X = ATG (RSIN,RCOS) arcus tangens, 0 -> 2*PI F117 CALL CROSS (AV,BV,XV*) A CROSS B into X F116 X = DOTI (AV,BV) X = A(1)B(1) +...+ A(3)B(3) - A(4)B(4) C300 X = ERF (A) error function, integral 0 -> A C300 X = ERFC (A) compl. error function, A to infinity E104 X = FINT (...) interpolation routine C300 X = FREQ (A) normal frequence function, -INF to A U101 CALL LOREN4 (AV,BV,XV*) Lorentz transformation U102 CALL LORENB (EN,REFV,STV,XV*) Lorentz transformation, backward U102 CALL LORENF (EN,REFV,STV,XV*) Lorentz transformation, forward G100 X = PROB (CHI2,N) convert CHI-square to probability B102 X = PROXIM (ALPHA,REF) X = ALPHA + 2N*PI nearest to REF F118 CALL ROT (AV,TH,XV*) rotate around Z-axis FL X = TAN (A) tangens
E103 X = AMAXMU (AV,IDO,NWD,NA) largest ABS element in scattered vector F121 LX = LVMAX (AV,N) loc of biggest A(J) for J=1,N F121 LX = LVMAXA (AV,N) loc of biggest ABS(A(J)) F121 LX = LVSMX (AV,N,INC) loc of biggest A(J) every INC F121 LX = LVSDMX (DV,N,INC) loc of biggest D(J) every INC, double F121 LX = LVSIMX (IV,N,INC) loc of biggest I(J) every INC F121 LX = LVMIN (AV,N) loc of smallest A(J) F121 LX = LVMINA (AV,N) loc of smallest ABS(A(J)) F121 LX = LVSMI (AV,N,INC) loc of smallest A(J) every INC F121 LX = LVSDMI (DV,N,INC) loc of smallest D(J) every INC, double F121 LX = LVSIMI (IV,N,INC) loc of smallest I(J) every INC F121 CALL VADD (AV,BV,XV*,N) X(J) = A(J) + B(J) for J=1,N F121 X = VASUM (AV,N) X = sum ABS(A(J)) for J=1,N F121 CALL VBIAS (AV,C,XV*,N) X(J) = A(J) + C for J=1,N F121 CALL VCOPYN (AV, XV*,N) copy -ve: X(J) = -A(J) for J=1,N F121 X = VDIST (AV,BV,N) X = SQRT (VDIST2(A,B,N)) F121 X = VDIST2 (AV,BV,N) X = (A-B)*(A-B) F121 X = VDOT (AV,BV,N) X = A * B F121 X = VDOTN (AV,BV,N) X = A*B / SQRT(A*A * B*B) F121 X = VDOTN2 (AV,BV,N) X = (A*B)**2 / (A*A * B*B) F121 CALL VEXCUM (AV,XV*,N) X=Minimum,Maximum,Sum -- cumulative F121 CALL VFILL (XVM*,N,AM) X(J) = A for J=1,N F121 CALL VFIX (AV,IXV*,N) IX(J)= A(J) for J=1,N F121 CALL VFLOAT (IAV,XV*,N) X(J) = IA(J) for J=1,N F121 CALL VLINCO (AV,S,BV,T,XV*,N) X(J) = A(J)*S + B(J)*T for J=1,N F121 CALL VMATL (GW,CV,XV*,NI,NJ) X = G * C F121 CALL VMATR (AV,GW,YV*,NI,NJ) Y = A * G F121 X = VMAX (AV,N) biggest A(J) for J=1,N F121 X = VMAXA (AV,N) biggest ABS(A(J)) for J=1,N F121 X = VMIN (AV,N) smallest A(J) for J=1,N F121 X = VMINA (AV,N) smallest ABS(A(J)) for J=1,N F121 X = VMOD (AV,N) X = SQRT ( VDOT(A,A,N) ) F121 CALL VMUL (AV,BV,XV*,N) X(J) = A(J) * B(J) for J=1,N F121 CALL VSCALE (AV,C, XV*,N) X(J) = A(J) * C for J=1,N F121 CALL VSUB (AV,BV,XV*,N) X(J) = A(J) - B(J) for J=1,N F121 X = VSUM (AV,N) X = sum A(J) for J=1,N F121 CALL VUNIT (AV,XV*,N) X(J) = A(J) / VMOD(A,N) for J=1,N F121 CALL VZERO (IXVM*,N) IX(J)= O for J=1,N
E230 CALL TLERR (AW,XW*,AUX,IPIV) error matrix after fit E230 CALL TLRES (AW,XV*,AUX) residuals after fit E230 CALL TLS (AW,BW,AUX,IPIV,EPS,XW*) unconstrained L.S.FIT E230 CALL TLSC (AW,BW,AUX,IPIV,EPS,XW*) constrained L.S.FIT F112 CALL TRAAT (AW,XsW*,M,N) rectang * rectang(T) X = A * AT F112 CALL TRAL (AW,BtW,XW*,M,N) rectang * triang X = A * B F112 CALL TRALT (AW,BtW,XW*,M,N) rectang * triang X = A * BT F112 CALL TRAS (AW,BsW,XW*,M,N) rectang * symm X = A * B F112 CALL TRASAT (AW,BsW,XsW*,M,N) transform symm X = A * B * AT F112 CALL TRATA (AW,XsW*,M,N) rectang(T) * rectang X = AT* A F112 CALL TRATS (AW,BsW,XW*,M,N) rectang * symm X = AT* B F112 CALL TRATSA (AW,BsW,XsW*,M,N) transform symm X = AT* B * A F112 CALL TRCHLU (AsW,XtW*,N) Choleski decomposition A = X*XT F112 CALL TRCHUL (AsW,XtW*,N) Choleski decomposition A = XT*X F112 CALL TRINV (AtW,XtW*,N) inversion of triangular matrix F112 CALL TRLA (AtW,BW,XW*,M,N) triang. * rectang. X = A * B F112 CALL TRLTA (AtW,BW,XW*,M,N) triang. * rectang. X = AT* B F112 CALL TRPCK (AW,XsW*,N) pack A into symmetric form F112 CALL TRQSQ (AsW,BsW,XsW*,N) transform symm X = A * B * A F112 CALL TRSA (AsW,BW,XW*,M,N) symm * rectang X = A * B F112 CALL TRSAT (AsW,BW,XW*,M,N) symm * rectang X = A * BT F112 CALL TRSINV (AsW,XsW*,N) inversion of symmetric matrix F112 CALL TRSMLU (AtW,XsW*,N) product of triang matrices X = A * AT F112 CALL TRSMUL (AtW,XsW*,N) product of triang matrices X = AT* A F112 CALL TRUPCK (AsW,XW*,N) unpack symm. A into full form
using COMMON /SLATE/ND,NE,NF,NG,NUM(2),DUMMY(34) to return information standard meaning: ND: number of digits or characters seen NE: COL(NE) is the terminating character CHARACTER LINE*(512), COL(512)*1 EQUIVALENCE (LINE,COL) most routines have the 3 parameters LINE,JL,JR to designate the field LINE(JL:JR) to be used, abbreviated to 'llr' if short of space. CALL CFILL (cIT,LINE*,JL,JR) fill llr with as many copies of cIT*(*) as poss. CALL CKRACK (LINE,JL,JR) krack numeric field; ND digits seen, NE term. NF= -ve bad, 0 blank, 1 B, 2 I, 3 F, 4 D seen NG= 0 good termination, NUM returns the number CALL CLEFT (LINE*,JL,JR) left-justify squeezing blanks, ND non-blanks, COL(NE) first blank CALL CRIGHT (LINE*,JL,JR) right-justify squeezing blanks, ND non-blanks, COL(NE) last blank CALL CLTOU (LINE(JL:JR)*) convert low to up CALL CUTOL (LINE(JL:JR)*) convert up to low CALL CSETDI (INT,LINE*,JL,JR) set decimal integer right-justified, ND digits COL(NE+1) most significant digit set COL(NF+1) most significant character set NG=0 good, else field too small CALL CSETHI (INT,LINE*,JL,JR) set hex integer right-justified, ND,NE,NF,NG as for CSETDI CALL CSQMBL (LINE*,JL,JR) left-justify squeezing multiple blanks, ND retained, COL(NE) first after NE=JR+1 if no multiple blanks CALL CSQMCH (cSG,LINE*,JL,JR) left squeeze multiple occurrences of cSG*1 ND,NE as for CSQMBL CALL CTRANS (cOLD,cNEW, llr*) replace each occurrence of cOLD*1 by cNEW*1 IX = ICDECI (LINE,JL,JR) read decimal integer, ND digits, COL(NE) term. NG=0 if terminated by blank or end-of-field JX = ICFIND (cSG,LINE,JL,JR) find COL(JX) first occ. of cSG*1 or JX=JR+1 NG=0 not found, else =JX JX = ICFILA (cSG,LINE,JL,JR) find COL(JX) last occ. of cSG*1 or JX=JR+1 NG=0 not found, else =JX JX = ICFMUL (cIT,LINE,JL,JR) find COL(JX) first occ. of any cIT(j:j) or JX=JR+1 ND=j, NG=0 not found, else =JX JX = ICFNBL (LINE,JL,JR) find COL(JX) first non-blank, or JX=JR+1 NG=0 all blank, else =JX IX = ICHEXI (LINE,JL,JR) read hex integer, ND,NE,NG as for ICDECI JX = ICLOC (cIT,NI, llr) locate cIT(1:NI) as is in LINE(JL:JR) COL(JX) start, JX=0 if not found JX = ICLOCL (cIT,NI, llr) as ICLOC case insensitive, cIT given as lower JX = ICLOCU (cIT,NI, llr) as ICLOC case insensitive, cIT given as upper JX = ICLUNS (LINE,JL,JR) COL(JX) first 'unseen', else JX=0 JX = ICNEXT (LINE,JL,JR) LINE(JX:NE-1) is next 'word' in llr ND chars in word; no next: JX=NE=JR+1 ND=0 JX = ICNTH (cACT,cPOSS,NPO) cACT as is matches cPOSS(JX), else JX=0 JX = ICNTHL (cACT,cPOSS,NPO) as ICNTH case insensitive, cPOSS given as lower JX = ICNTHU (cACT,cPOSS,NPO) as ICNTH case insensitive, cPOSS given as upper JX = ICNUM (LINE,JL,JR) find COL(JX) first non-numeric, non-blank JX=JR+1 NG=0 if none, ND digits before JX JX = ICNUMA (LINE,JL,JR) COL(JX) first non-alphameric, non-blank JX=JR+1 if none, ND alphamerics chars. NG=0 all alphanumeric, else =JX COL(NE) first numeric, else NE=0 COL(NF) first alpha, else NF=0 IX = ICTYPE (cSG) cSG*1 of type IX = 0 unseen, 1 others, 2 numeric, 3 lower, 4 upper case NX = LNBLNK (LINE(JL:JR)) find last non-blank character