One such bank for each processor initialized
links : -(NLSV+3) saved working space link 1 ... ... - 4 saved working space link NLSV - 3 two links reserved for the user - 2 - 1 reserved data : LQSV + 0 status word bits 1/8 = LV, the processor has been initialized for this level LV bit 17 set : constants are title initialized + 1 processor ID in A4 format + 2 number of calls to this processor + 3 NLSV working space links to be saved + 4 NDSV working space data words to be saved + 5 cumulate time for current call + 6 longest time interval for this processor + 7 cumulated execution time for this processor + 8 intermediate time cumulator (to improve precision) [ + 9 ... possibly extra accounting words ] LCD = LQSV + JQNACC (constant in /JQC/) LCD + 0 NCD = number of conditions to be recorded 1 count condition 1 and lower 2 count condition 2 ... ... NCD count condition NCD and higher LAN = LCD + NCD + 1 --> LQAN LAN + 0 NAN = number of processor constants 1 constant 1 ... ... NAN constant NAN LDSV = LAN + NAN + 1 LDSV + 0 saved working space data word 1 ... ... NDSV-1 saved data word NDSV LFL = LDSV + NDSV only in P=QDEBUG version LFL + 0 NFL = number of flag words + 1 flag word 1 ... ... NFL flag word NFL