The following example shows how to get the (graphical) bank
documentation for a subtree of banks.
It assumes that the RZ file
previously created by DZEDIT
is available and the command
on VAXVMS or dzedit
on Unix) is defined.
Comment in the example below are put between /* .. */. Help is available by typing help commandname.
Example session with DZEDIT
dzedit /* Invoke DZEDIT */ Workstation type (?=HELP) <CR>=0 : /* Answer 0 if not a graphics terminal */ OPEN dztest.rzbank /* Open RZ-file */ DRAWONE EV NONE /* Draw bank tree below CT (UpBank CD) */ Draw tree below: EV Total # of banks in tree: 3 # of documented banks 3 3 banks documented with 1 pictures on 2 pages PostScript output on: /* The ZEBRA bank tree corresponding */ /* to the document is still in memory */ /* It is thus possible to visualize it */ /* on a workstation or graphics terminal */ DZDISP /* Display bank tree */ /* All banks have ND=3 at this moment */ DZDDIV /* Draw physical layout of Division */ DZDIRZ /* Show structure of RZ-directory of */ /* documentation file. */ QUIT /* end of DZEDIT session */
The following code fragment assumes that ZEBRA is initialized and some banks are booked (or read in via FZIN). Routines DZDDIV (or DZDISP) can be called without providing a bank descriptor file. For details on the graphics package HIGZ please consult the user guide [9].
Using routine DZDDIV
INTEGER NWPAW,NWHIGZ PARAMETER (NWPAW=100000,NWHIGZ=30000) REAL PAW(NWPAW) COMMON/PAWC/PAW(NWPAW) CHARACTER*9 CHRZDD INTEGER LUNRZD,ISTAT,IXDIV,LDUMMY,IWMETA,IWKTYP INTEGER IERFIL,LUNMET,ILOCNR,IWKID PARAMETER (IERFIL=6, LUNMET=10,ILOCNR=1,IWKID=1) C-- Open HIGZ and workstations CALL MZPAW(NWPAW,' ') CALL IGINIT(NWHIGZ) C-- query workstation type CALL IGWKTY(IWKTYP) IF(IWKTYP .GT. 0)THEN CALL IGSSE(IERFIL,IWKTYP) ELSE WRITE(*,*)'Illegal workstation type' GOTO 99 ENDIF C-- open a plot file (if needed) otherwise put: IWMETA=0 CALL KUOPEN(LUNMET,'','UNKNOWN',ISTAT) IF(ISTAT.NE.0)THEN WRITE(*,*)' Error opening plotfile',ISTAT IWMETA=0 ELSE C-- initialize a PostScript plotfile CALL IGMETA(LUNMET,-111) IWMETA=2 C-- deactivate output to plot file at start, it will be C activated by DZDDIV if requested CALL IGMETA(0,-111) ENDIF C Open the RZ file for bank descriptors. C If you do not have a descriptor file (yet) just put: C CHRZDD=' ' to notify it to DZDDIV CALL RZOPEN(LUNRZD,CHRZDD,'mydoc.rzdoc',' ',0,ISTAT) * specify directory name to be used or signal error IF(ISTAT.EQ.0)THEN CHRZDD = '//BANKDOC' CALL RZFILE(LUNRZD, CHRZDD(3:),' ') ELSE CHRZDD = ' ' WRITE(*,*)' Error opening descriptor file',ISTAT ENDIF C-- now display division layout CALL DZDDIV(IXDIV, LDUMMY, CHRZDD,'I', & IWKID, IWMETA, ILOCNR, IWKTYP) 99 CONTINUE .....
Description of EV
bank (see chapter )
*B..EV Event header bank. *B.AU S.Holmes *B.VE 402 *B.ND 10 *B.NL 2 *B.NS 2 *B.NX None *B.UP None *B.OR None *B.IO '3H 3I -F' *B.LINK *B.1 VX Vertex bank *B/LINK *B.DATA *B.1 LABNA Name of laboratory *B.2 EXPTNA Name of experiment *B.3 DAQNA Initials of shift crew *B.4 IHDAT Data type *B.4 C1 Experiment data *B.4 C3 Test beam data *B.4 C4 Cosmic ray data *B.4 C5 Monte-carlo data *B.5 IIEVT Trigger number *B.6 IIFITY Filter type (Bit string) *B.6 BITVAL00 Sum E(clus) > 2 GeV *B.6 BITVAL01 E(EB cls/blk) > 200MeV *B.6 BITVAL04 Lumi Event *B.7 IITHRU Thrust * 10000 *B.8 IICTHR Cosine of the thrust axis * 10000 *B.9 IIECAL Total Electromagnetic Energy *B.10 IIHCAL Total Hadronic Energy *B/DATA *B/
Description of VX
bank (see chapter )
*B..VX VerteX bank (V0) *B.AUTH S.Holmes *B.VERS 403 *B.ND 12 *B.NL 1 *B.NS 1 *B.UP EV *B.OR EV *B.NX VX *B.IO '3I -F' *B.LINK *B.1 TK Track bank *B/LINK *B.DATA *B.1 JVTYPE Vertex type *B.2 JVALGO Algorithm *B.3 JVNCTR Number of tracks associated with this vertex *B.4 JVCSRP Cos(r.p) in the x-y plane *B.5 JVD0 Abs(d0) w.r.t. event vertex [cm] *B.6 JVFLEN Flight length w.r.t. event vertex [cm] *B.7 JVSD0 Sum of abs(d0) w.r.t. event vertex [cm] *B.8 JVCSVP Cosine of opening angle at vertex point *B.9 JVDXY Separation in x-y at vertex point [cm] *B.10 JVDZ Separation in z at vertex point [cm] *B.11 JVMPP Invariant mass assuming pi+pi- [GeV] *B.12 JVMPPR Invariant mass assuming pi+ p-bar [GeV] *B/DATA *B/
Description of TK
bank (see chapter )
*B..TK Track bank *B.AUTH Watson *B.VERS 3.13 *B.ND 12 *B.NL 0 *B.NS 0 *B.UP VX *B.OR VX *B.NX TK *B.IO F *B.DATA *B.1 JCPX best value for px at primary vertex [GeV] *B.2 JCPY best value for py at primary vertex [GeV] *B.3 JCPZ best value for pz at primary vertex [GeV] *B.4 JCQ charge [e] *B.5 JCKAPP Kappa=1/2rho [1/cm] *B.6 JCPHI0 phi0 [rad] *B.7 JCD0 d0 = phi x d.z [cm] *B.8 JCTLAM TAN(lambda) = COT(theta) track polar angle *B.9 JCZ0 z at p.c.a of track [cm] *B.10 JCCHIR Chisq/DGF in r-phi *B.11 JCCHI3 Chisq/DGF in s-z *B.12 JCEM11 <kappa0 kappa0> [1/cm**2] *B/DATA *B/
Description of RZ top bank (for output see page )
*B..RZ RZ system top bank *B.AU R.Brun *B.ST 0 *B.DV SYSTEM *B.UP NONE *B.NX RZ0 *B.ND * *B.NL 10 *B.NS 9 *B.IO I *B.LINK *B.1 LSDIR Pointer to first subdirectory *B.2 LFREE Pointer to list of free records *B.3 LUSED pointer to list of used records *B.4 LFROM Pointer to copied directory *B.5 LPURG Pointer to list of purged records *B.6 LROUT Pointer to output buffer *B.7 LRIN Pointer to input buffer *B.8 LCORD Pointer to ordered cycles (RZCOPY) *B.9 LSNUSED Free *B/LINK *B.RLINK *B.1 LRNUSED Free reference link * *B/RLINK *B.DATA *B.1 Z:IDNAME1 Directory name (up to 16 characters) *B.2 Z:IDNAME2 " *B.3 Z:IDNAME3 " *B.4 Z:IDNAME4 " *B.5 RECPT1 Record number of the mother directory, *B.6 RECPT2 or C file pointer (words 5 and 6) *B.7 B:IWPW1 Write password (1st part) *B.8 B:IWPW2 (2nd part) *B.9 NCHDRW No. of char. DIR(1:5),WPW(6:10), *B. and bit 12 eX mode *B.10 D:IDATEC Creation date/time *B.11 D:IDATEM Last mod date/time *B.12 NQUOTA Maximum number of records QUOTA *B.13 N:NRUSED Number of used records *B.14 NWUSED Number of words used MOD 1000000 *B.15 NMEGA Number of megawords used *B.16 RESERVED Reserved *B.17 IRIN Record number currently in LRIN *B.18 IROUT Record number currently in LROUT *B.19 IRLOUT Number of the last record written *B.20 IP1 Pointer to first free word in IRLOUT *B.21 ICONT Record number continuation *B.22 NFREE Number of words free in F *B.23 N:NSD Number of subdirectories *B.24 P:LD Pointer to directory records *B.25 P:LB Pointer to file descriptor (only for TOP) *B.26 P:LS Pointer to first subdirectory S *B.27 P:LK Pointer to first KEY K *B.28 P:LF Pointer to free space F *B.29 LC Pointer to last cycle C *B.30 LE Pointer to end of directory *B.31 N:NKEYS Number of keys in that directory *B.32 N:NWKEY Number of elements in one key *B.REP N:NWKEY + 9 / 10 *B.1 B:KDES KEYS descriptor (3 bits per el. , *B. 10 keys per word) *B/REP *B.REP N:NWKEY *B.1 Z:TAG1 First part of CHTAG(1) 4 characters *B.2 Z:TAG2 Second part *B/REP *B.1 L:LD Directory records structure *B.1 N:NRD Number of records to describe this dir. *B.REP N:NRD *B.1 IREC(I) Record number I of directory *B/REP *B.1 L:LB file descriptor (only for TOP) *B.1 N:NWREC Number of words for bitmap descriptor *B.2 LREC Physical record length (in words) *B.3 D:IDATE Creation date of the file *B.REP N:NWREC *B.1 B:BITMAP 1 bit per record on the file *B/REP *B.1 L:LS Subdirectory structure *B.REP N:NSD *B.1 Z:NAM1 Name of subdirectory *B.2 Z:NAM2 " *B.3 Z:NAM3 " *B.4 Z:NAM4 " *B.5 NCHSD Number of characters in subdirectory name *B.6 IRECSD Record number of this subdirectory *B.7 D:IDTIME Date and Time of creation of subdirectory *B/REP *B.1 L:LK KEYS structure *B.REP N:NKEYS ! I=1,NKEYS *B.1 P:LCYC Pointer to highest cycle in C for key I *B.REP N:NWKEYS ! K=1,NWKEYS *B.1 KEYS(I,K) Element K of key I *B/REP *B/REP *B.1 L:LF Start of free space *B.REP NFREE *B.1 EMPTY Free space *B/REP *B.1 L:LCYC Cycles structure *B.1 PTOCYCLE *B.1 P:BI0015 LCYC Pointer to prev cycle of KEY (0 if no) *B.1 P:BI1631 SECREC Second record (if there) *B.2 D:CREATD Creation date/time relative to 1986 *B.2 BITVAL04 RZKEEP *B.2 BITVAL03 Append mode *B.2 BITS0002 Vector format (if RZVOUT) *B.3 PTODATA Pointer to the data *B.3 BITS1631 Record number where data str. starts *B.3 BITS0015 Offset in record *B.4 CYWORD4 *B.4 BITS0019 Number of words in data structure *B.4 BITS2031 Cycle number *B/
Fragment of the bank description
*B..EXTR HID@D(23:24) TITLE@D(25:30) NID@D(31:34) ND@D(35:39) *B.ND 40 *B.NX None *B.UP EXTR -1 *B.OR EXTR -1 *B.IO 10I 12F -H
Data values of the actual bank
11 TRPX 4.940 Px 12 TRPY 26.85 Py 13 TRPZ -36.53 Pz 14 TRE 45.64 Energy 15 TRM 1.784 Mass 16 TRCH -1.000 Charge 17 TRSX .5641E-01 Start x 18 TRSY .5541E-01 Start y 19 TRSZ .3131 Start z 20 TREX .8039E-01 End x 21 TREY .1857 End y 22 TREZ .1357 End z 23 NAME "[t^- 24 NAME " 25 START "Prim 26 START " Par 27 START "t -> 28 END " Dca 29 END "yed_ 30 END "in_G 31 P "p= 4 32 P "5.60 33 P "5 Ge 34 P "V 35 RANGE "R: 36 RANGE " .1- 37 RANGE "> 38 RANGE ".2 c 39 RANGE "m
Figure: Picture produced using the above indicated documentation
and data values. Note: The escape characters defined in HIGZ to
produce greek characters are recognized.