Z301: VAX Fortran Interface for Reading and Writing 'Foreign' Tapes

Author(s): C. Ciapetti, J. Zoll Library: KERNLIB, VAX only
Submitter: Submitted: 01.09.1983
Language: VAX Fortran Revised:

VAXTIO handles non-native tapes on the VAX; it is needed because VAX Fortran does not provide a U format.

If the tape to be handled is on logical unit 11, mounted on MTAO, with physical records of 3600 bytes maximum, for example, the following commands have to be given:



SUBROUTINE subprogram
User Entry Names: VAXTIO
Internal Entry Names: WAIT2S
Files Referenced: User defined parameter
COMMON Block Names and Lengths: /VAXTIO/ 240


Input parameters:
Logical unit number ( tex2html_wrap_inline148 ).
Operation mode, indicating the kind of operation to be performed; for details, see below.
Data area for read and write.
Number of units to be done.
Fortran logical unit number for printing diagnostic messages; if zero, printing is suppressed.
Output parameters:
Number of units done; error if negative.
QIO System status code.
The following operations are provided at present:
tex2html_wrap_inline150 Write EOF (3 tape marks are written and the tape is positioned after the first
tape mark).
tex2html_wrap_inline152 Successful.
tex2html_wrap_inline154 End-of-tape.
tex2html_wrap_inline156 Trouble.
tex2html_wrap_inline158 Write one record, tranfer NDO bytes from IBUF to tape.
tex2html_wrap_inline160 Number of bytes written.
tex2html_wrap_inline162 End-of-tape, but record written.
tex2html_wrap_inline164 Trouble.

tex2html_wrap_inline166 Read one record, transfer at most NDO bytes from tape to IBUF, excess data
are lost.
tex2html_wrap_inline168 Number of bytes transferred.
tex2html_wrap_inline170 EOF, end-of-tape.
tex2html_wrap_inline172 Read error, record skipped.
tex2html_wrap_inline174 Trouble.
tex2html_wrap_inline176 Assign a channel for logical unit (if not done explicitly, assignment occurs on
first contact).
tex2html_wrap_inline178 Successful.
tex2html_wrap_inline180 Channel already assigned.
tex2html_wrap_inline182 Trouble.
tex2html_wrap_inline184 Skip tex2html_wrap_inline186 records, forward if tex2html_wrap_inline188 , reverse if tex2html_wrap_inline190 .
tex2html_wrap_inline194 Number of records skipped.
tex2html_wrap_inline196 EOF seen, skipped, counted.
tex2html_wrap_inline198 Trouble.
tex2html_wrap_inline200 Skip tex2html_wrap_inline202 files, forward if tex2html_wrap_inline204 , reverse if tex2html_wrap_inline206 .
tex2html_wrap_inline208 Number of files skipped.
tex2html_wrap_inline210 End-of-tape seen.
tex2html_wrap_inline212 Trouble.
tex2html_wrap_inline214 Rewind.
tex2html_wrap_inline216 Rewind and unload.
tex2html_wrap_inline218 Successful.
tex2html_wrap_inline220 Trouble.
tex2html_wrap_inline222 De-assign channel; this should be done if a logical unit is no longer needed.
tex2html_wrap_inline224 Successful.
tex2html_wrap_inline226 Trouble.


Michel Goossens Wed Jun 5 10:09:21 METDST 1996