Author(s): see below | Library: KERNLIB |
Submitter: | Submitted: 19.09.1991 |
Language: Fortran + C | Revised: 01.04.1994 |
Authors: F. Carminati, M. Marquina, A. Rademakers,
J. Shiers, J. Zoll.
The routines of this package are Fortran callable routines
which in turn call their corresponding C Library routines,
after having taken care of the Fortran way of passing parameters.
The names of the interface routines are exactly the names of the C functions with the letter F added; the parameters are in one-to-one correspondence with the C functions; thus "man <name>" gives the exact details also for the interface routine.
Most Fortran systems on Unix machines are clever,
they protect the Fortran user against name-clashes with the C library,
for example a "CALL RENAME (...)" compiles as a reference to
(or to "RENAME" on the Cray).
If this is not strictly true, and/or if moreover the Fortran Run-time
library does itself contain an interface routine "rename" then
there might be trouble because it is not obvious which "rename"
will be linked to the interface routine RENAMEF.
The IBM 6000 machine has succeeded in creating this problem,
it has both "rename" and "rename_"
on the
Fortran Run-time library.
In this case one has to give an explicite -lc
on the link statement to ensure that the C library is
searched before the Fortran library (but after the Kernlib library).
User Entry Names:
The types of all variables and functions follow from the Fortran default typing convention (unless typed explicitly), except that variables starting with the letters CH are of type CHARACTER.
The symbol * designates an output parameter.
For convenience, routines which return a CHARACTER string
also return the occupied useful length of this string
in ISLATE(1) of /SLATE/.
'access' -- determine accessibility of file
LOGICAL ACCESSF truth = ACCESSF(CHNAME,MODE) CHNAME the path-name of the file MODE a bit pattern specifying the type of access: bit 1 (1): execution permission 2 (2): write permission 3 (4): read permission all zero: existence
'chdir' -- set current working directory
INTEGER CHDIRF ISTAT = CHDIRF(CHNAME) CHNAME the path-name of the new working directory ISTAT function value returns zero if successful.
'ctime' -- convert encoded time to ASCII
CHARACTER CHTIME*24 CALL CTIMEF(ITIME, CHTIME) ITIME encoded time (as returned by STATF) CHTIME* decoded time string of length 24
'exit' -- terminate the process with a status code
CALL EXITF(IRC)stops setting return status IRC. This should not be used for normal run termination. On the IBM VM this had to be implemented with a computed GOTO, hence if
On the Unix machines IRC will appear in the shell variable "status" which is reset after execution of each command, thus for more complicated logic the value of status has to be saved like (in the C shell):
set rc = $status if (rc != 0) then if (rc == 1) then echo ' not quite happy, but continue' else echo ' stop for trouble' exit endif endif
'getenv' -- get the text of an environment variable
CHARACTER CHTEXT*(big enough) CALL GETENVF(CHNAME, CHTEXT) CHNAME the name of the environment variable, CHTEXT* returns its value, with blank-fill ISLATE(1) occupied length, =0 if not found
'getgid' -- get group identification
CALL GETGIDF(IDG) IDG returns the real group ID of the current process.
'getpid' -- get process identification
CALL GETPIDF(IDP) IDP returns the process ID of the current process.
'getuid' - get user identification
CALL GETUIDF(IDU) IDU returns the real user ID of the current process.
'getwd' -- get the path-name of the working directory
CHARACTER CHTEXT*(big enough) CALL GETWDF(CHTEXT) CHTEXT* returns the path-name, with blank-fill ISLATE(1) occupied length, =0 if not found
'gmtime' -- blow encoded time to time elements for Greenwich Mean Time
INTEGER ITMELS(9) CALL GMTIMEF(ITIME, ITMELS) ITIME encoded time (as returned by STATF) ITMELS* decoded time elements: (1) sec, (2) min, (3) hour, (4) day, (5) month, (6) year, (7) weekday, (8) yearday, (9) isdst
'kill' -- send a signal to a process
ISTAT = KILLF(IPID,ISIG) IPID process ID ISIG signal number ISTAT function value returns zero if successful.
'perror' -- print message for the most recent C Library error
CALL PERRORF(CHTEXT) CHTEXT the text to be printed before the error message
'readlink' -- read value of a symbolic link
INTEGER READLNF CHARACTER VAL*(big enough) NCH = READLNF(CHNAME,VAL) CHNAME path-name of the link VAL(1:NCH) returns the value of the link NCH useful length returned, = -1 if trouble, PERRORF may be called.
'rename' -- rename a file
INTEGER RENAMEF ISTAT = RENAMEF(CHFROM,CHTO) CHFROM old file name CHTO new file name ISTAT function value returns zero if successful.
'setenv' - set environment variable
INTEGER SETENVF ISTAT = SETENVF(CHNAME,CHVAL) CHNAME name of the environment variable CHVAL its value to be set ISTAT function value returns zero if succesful.On machines where the setenv function of system BSD is not available, putenv is used instead on a string constructed from CHNAME and CHVAL in allocated memory, hence one should avoid re-defining the same variable very many times.
'sleep' -- suspend execution
CALL SLEEPF(NSECS) NSECS number of seconds to wait
'stat' -- get file status
INTEGER INFO(12) INTEGER STATF ISTAT = STATF(CHNAME, INFO) CHNAME path-name of the file INFO* information returned ISTAT function value returns zero if successful.This routine returns the properties of a given file in a 12-word integer vector:
INFO(1) = dev device inode resides on INFO(2) = ino this inode's number INFO(3) = mode protection INFO(4) = nlink number or hard links to the file INFO(5) = uid user-id of owner INFO(6) = gid group-id of owner INFO(7) = size total size of file INFO(8) = atime file last access time INFO(9) = mtime file last modify time INFO(10) = ctime file last status change time INFO(11) = blksize optimal blocksize for file system i/o ops INFO(12) = blocks actual number of blocks allocatedOn machines where 'blksize' and 'blocks' are not available (like Silicon Graphics) the words
'lstat' -- get file status
LSTATF is like STATF except in the case where the named file is a symbolic link, in which case LSTATF returns information about the link, while STATF returns information about the file the link references.
For convenience LSTATF stores into /SLATE/ some information about the nature of CHNAME:
ISLATE(1) = 0 if CHNAME is a regular file ISLATE(2) = 0 if CHNAME is a symbolic link ISLATE(3) = 0 if CHNAME is a directory
'system' -- issue a shell command
INTEGER SYSTEMF ISTAT = SYSTEMF(CHTEXT) CHTEXT the command to be executed ISTAT returns the exit status of the shell
'unlink' -- remove directory entry
INTEGER UNLINKF ISTAT = UNLINKF(CHNAME) CHNAME the path-name of the file to be unlinked ISTAT function value returns zero if successful.Normally this deletes file CHNAME. If CHNAME is a soft link, the link is deleted, but not the file pointed to.
The routine SIGNALF, which belongs to this family,
will be described separately in the next paper
These routines have also been implemented on some machines which are not running Unix. The present state is as follows:
VAX system VMS has :
CHDIRF, EXITF, GETENVF, GETWDF, RENAMEF, SLEEPF, SYSTEMFPresently GETENVF looks in the symbol table, except if the name of the environment variable is "HOME" for which it will return the value of the logical name
Some other routines are available through the C run-time library.
IBM 3090 system VM/CMS has :