Author(s): F. Bruyant | Library: KERNLIB |
Submitter: C. Letertre | Submitted: 21.08.1971 |
Language: Fortran or Assembler | Revised: 16.09.1991 |
UCOCOP and UDICOP copy the contents of a scattered vector into a new scattered vector.
SUBROUTINE subprograms
User Entry Names: UCOCOP, UDICOP
CALL UCOCOP(A,X,IDO,IW,NA,NX) CALL UDICOP(A,X,IDO,IW,NA,NX)extract times consecutive words from A, every NA words, and place them into X, every NX words. Both routines have the same effect if the vectors A and X do not overlap. UCOCOP allows concentration, UDICOP allows dilation of a vector in situ.
For or , the routines act as 'do-nothing'.
DIMENSION IA(14),IX(12) DATA IA /1,2,3,4, 5,6,7,8, 9,10,11,12, 13,14/ CALL UCOCOP(IA,IX,4,2,4,3) CALL UCOCOP(0,IX(3),4,1,0,3)gives
IX = 1,2,0, 5,6,0, 9,10,0, 13,14,0