Author(s): R.K. Böck, C. Letertre | Library: KERNLIB |
Submitter: | Submitted: 01.03.1968 |
Language: Fortran or Assembler | Revised: 16.09.1991 |
These routines copy a continuous string of words into a continuous set of locations.
SUBROUTINE subprograms
User Entry Names: UCOPY, UCOPIV, UCOPYN,
External References: LOCF (Fortran version of UCOPY2
CALL UCOPY(A,X,N)copies N words from A into X; the beginning of A may overlap the end of X.
CALL UCOPY2(A,X,N)copies N words from A into X, any overlap is allowed.
CALL UCOPYN(IA,IX,N)transfers into IX the negative values of N integer words from IA; the beginning of IA may overlap the end of IX. (For numbers of type REAL, use VCOPYN (F121).)
CALL UCOPIV(A,X,N)copies N words from A into X, in reverse order, i.e.
CALL USWOP(A,B,N)exchanges the first