Author(s): T. Lindelöf, F. James | Library: MATHLIB |
Submitter: | Submitted: 15.06.1976 |
Language: CDC: Compass, IBM: Fortran | Revised: |
NRAN on IBM is not recommended. It is merely a Fortran interface to RNDM. Thus this description applies only to the CDC version.
SUBROUTINE subprogram
User Entry Names: NRAN, NRANIN, NRANUT
CALL NRAN(VEC,N)fills the array VEC (of length N at least) with N independent pseudo random numbers uniformly distributed in the interval (0,1), the end-points excluded. The other two entries may be used to retrieve and set the 'seed' as follows:
CALL NRANUT(SEED)returns in SEED the current value of a quantitity which is changed after each call to NRAN and upon which the future random number sequence depends. Its initial default value is
CALL NRANIN(SEED)presets the above-mentioned quantity to SEED. SEED may be any number of the form
Multiplicative congruential method with the multiplier
. The sequence generated is independent
of that of RNDM (V104) so that both may be used together.