Author(s): T. Lindelöf, R. Matthews, A. Shevel | Library: KERNLIB |
Submitter: T. Lindelöf | Submitted: 01.07.1979 |
Language: Assembler | Revised: |
GETBYT extracts and right-adjusts a group of bits of any length up to a full word from a bit string which may extend across word boundaries. SETBYT is the inverse of GETBYT.
SUBROUTINE subprogram
User Entry Names: GETBYT, SETBYT
Internal Entry Names: SHRERR
Files Referenced: Printer
CALL SETBYT(ADDR,IBEG,ILEN,IBYT)causes the ILEN right-most bits of IBYT to replace the group of bits of length ILEN starting at the IBEG-th bit in the array ADDR (bits are numbered starting at 1 with the left-most or most significant bit in ADDR(1)). Replacement goes across word boundaries, i.e. the most significant (left-most) bit of ADDR(N+1) is adjacent to the least significant (right-most) bit of ADDR(N).
Error handling:
Calling either GETBYT or SETBYT with
the number of bits in one word (errors) will result
in a diagnostic message. After more than 20 such errors the job will
come to a STOP.
If ADDR(1) and ADDR(2) contain the
32-bit configurations '0...001110001' and '110100...0'
respectively, then
CALL GETBYT(ADDR,27,10,IRES)will set IRES to '0...001100011101' or decimal 797.
If IBYT contains the integer value 3 (binary '11')
and , then
CALL SETBYT(ADDR,32,2,IBYT)will set ADDR(1) to 0...001' and ADDR(2) to '100...0'.