Author(s): J. Zoll | Library: KERNLIB |
Submitter: | Submitted: 01.03.1968 |
Language: Fortran or Assembler | Revised: 09.09.1991 |
Supposing any computer to have a character capacity of at least A4, string representations in A4, A3, A2 or A1 are transportable. Representations A1 and A4 are particularly interesting.
Fortran 77 defines a new data type CHARACTER though most compilers also support Hollerith strings (without a clear definition of the differences). A set of routines has been added to this package in its Fortran 77 implementation to convert between CHARACTER strings and Hollerith strings.
The routines UBLOW, UBUNCH and UTRANS work on Hollerith only and so should be considered obsolete, while UCTOH, UCTOH1 and UHTOC and UH1TOC copy between CHARACTER and Hollerith. Unpredictable results will be obtained if wrong data types are passed to these routines. On most machines text strings passed in quotes are implicitly of type CHARACTER while a string preceeded by nH is not.
The routines of this package perform transformations between different representations.
SUBROUTINE subprograms
User Entry Names: UBUNCH, UBLOW, UTRANS,
COMMON Block Names and Lengths: /SLATE/ NI,NJ,DUMMY(38)
CALL UBLOW(IVM,IV1,NCH)disperses the string of NCH Hollerith characters from IVM into IV1.
CALL UBUNCH(IV1,IVM,NCH)concentrates the string of NCH Hollerith characters from IV1 into IVM.
CALL UTRANS(IVI,IVJ,NCH,I,J)copies the string of NCH Hollerith characters from IVI into IVJ.
CALL UCTOH(MCH,IVJ,J,NCH)copies the CHARACTER-type string in MCH into Hollerith characters in IVJ in Aj form.
CALL UCTOH1(MCH,IV1,NCH)disperses the CHARACTER-type string in MCH into Hollerith characters in IV1 in A1 form.
CALL UHTOC(IVI,I,CHV,NCH)copies the Hollerith characters in IVI into the CHARACTER variable CHV.
CALL UH1TOC(IV1,CHV,NCH)concentrates a Hollerith string in A1 form into the CHARACTER variable CHV.
Error handling:
acts as do-nothing.
(b = blank).
2) CALL UBUNCH(V,X,11)gives the inverse transformation, thus on the CDC 7600
X(1) = 10ABCDEFGHIJ, X(2) = 10HKbbbbbbbb
3) CALL UTRANS(X,Y,11,99,4)copies the continuous X string to A4 representation in Y:
Y(1) = 4HABCD, Y(2) = 4HEFGH, Y(3) = 4HIJKbwith blank padding if
4) CALL UTRANS(Y,X,11,4,99)gives the inverse of example 3).
5) CALL UTRANS(V,X,11,1,99)gives the same result as example 2), but is much slower.
6) DIMENSION V(4) CHARACTER*14 C/'THIS IS A TEST'/ CALL UCTOH(C,V,4,14)copies the CHARACTER string in C into V such that
V(1) = 4HTHIS, V(2) = 4HbISb, V(3) = 4HAbTE, V(4) = 4HSTbb
7) DIMENSION V(4) CHARACTER*14 C DATA V /14HTHIS IS A TEST/ or DATA V /4HTHIS,4H IS ,4HA TE,2HST/ CALL UHTOC(V,4,C,14)copies the Hollerith strings in V into C such that C='THIS IS A TEST'.
8) DIMENSION V(4) CHARACTER*4 C/'TEST'/ CALL UCTOH1(C,V,4)copies the CHARACTER-string in C into V such that
V(1) = 4HTbbb, V(2) = 4HEbbb, V(3) = 4HSbbb, V(4) = 4HTbbb
9) DIMENSION V(4) CHARACTER*4 C DATA V/1HT,1HE,1HS,1HT/ CALL UH1TOC(V,C,4)copies the Hollerith characters in V into the CHARACTER string C such that C='TEST'.