Author(s): F. James | Library: KERNLIB |
Submitter: | Submitted: 01.10.1974 |
Language: Fortran | Revised: |
BINSIZ determines reasonable lower and upper limits and
bin width for a histogram, given the lower and upper limits of the
data and the desired maximum number of bins. The output bin width
is always an integral power of or 5, and the
output lower and upper limits are the nearest multiples of the bin
width containing the specified range. Another option allows the bin
width to be imposed and determines only the new limits.
SUBROUTINE subprogram
User Entry Names: BINSIZ
If , BINSIZ takes BWID as input
and determines only BL, BH, and NB. This is
especially useful when it is desired to have the same bin width for
several histograms (or for the two axes of a scatter-plot).
If , BINSIZ takes AL to be the upper limit
and AH to be the lower limit, so that in fact AL and
AH may appear in any order. They are not changed by BINSIZ.
, BINSIZ takes the lower limit as AL,
and the upper limit is set to