E222: Solution of Overdetermined Linear System in the Chebychev Norm
Author(s): K.S. Kölbig | Library: MATHLIB
Submitter: | Submitted: 01.12.1994
Language: Fortran | Revised:
Subroutine subprograms RCHEBN and DCHEBN find the
Chebyshev or minimax solution to a set of overdetermined linear equations
, i.e. the vector x which minimizes
On computers other than CDC or Cray, only the double-precision
version DCHEBN is available. On CDC and Cray computers, only
the single-precision version RCHEBN is available.
SUBROUTINE subprograms
User Entry Names: RCHEBN, DCHEBN
External References:
(type REAL),
- M
- (INTEGER) Number m of equations.
- N
- (INTEGER) Number
of unknowns.
- A
- (type according to t)
Two-dimensional array of dimension (MDIM,d),
. On entry, A(I,J) must contain the
of matrix A.
The contents of A is destroyed during execution.
- (INTEGER) Declared first dimension of array A,
- B
- (type according to t)
One-dimensional array of length
On entry, the first m elements of B must contain the vector
b. On exit, these elements contain the residuals
- Tolerance parameter which should be set to a
value somewhat greater than the machine precision.
- (type according to t) On entry, RELERR
should be set to zero if the true minimax solution is required.
(For RELERR non-zero see Notes).
- X
- (type according to t) One-dimensional array of length
. On exit, the first n elements of X contain the
solution vector x.
- (type according to t) On exit, RESMAX
contains the value c of the maximum residual.
- (INTEGER) On exit, IRANK contains an estimate of
the rank of the matrix A. (This estimate may depend on TOL).
- (INTEGER) On exit, ITER contains the number of
simplex iterations performed.
- (INTEGER) On exit, ICODE contains one of the
Solution x is not unique,
Solution x is unique,
Calculation terminated prematurely because of rounding
Modified simplex method of linear programming applied to the dual of
the stated minimax problem.
- If RELERR on entry contains a non-zero positive value r,
RELERR on exit contains a value r'<r,
and the computed solution x' in X and the maximum residual
c' in RESMAX are such that (c'-c)/c < r',
where c is the maximum residual corresponding to the true minimax
solution x. By setting RELERR non-zero (e.g.
RELERR = 0.1), the number of simplex iterations is usually reduced.
- If RESMAX is within one or two orders of magnitude of
TOL, the computed residuals in B
on exit may contain few significant digits, and may have been set to
zero if
The subprograms are based on a Fortran algorithm given in Ref. 1.
- I. Barrodale and C. Phillips, Algorithm 495:
Solution of an overdetermined system of linear equations in the
Chebyshev norm, ACM Trans. Math. Software 1 (1975) 264-270.
Michel Goossens
Wed Jun 5 03:17:42 METDST 1996