E105: Function Interpolation

Author(s): F. James Library: KERNLIB
Submitter: G.A. Erskine Submitted: 19.07.1973
Language: Fortran Revised: 27.11.1984

Function subprogram DIVDIF interpolates in a table of arguments tex2html_wrap_inline97 and function values tex2html_wrap_inline99 , using an interpolating polynomial of specified degree which passes through tabular points which are symmetrically-positioned around the interpolation argument. The table arguments tex2html_wrap_inline101 need not be equidistant.


FUNCTION subprogram
User Entry Names: DIVDIF
Files Referenced: Printer
External References: KERMTR, ABEND


In any arithmetic expression,


has an approximate value of tex2html_wrap_inline103 .
(REAL) One-dimensional array. F(j) must be equal to the value at A(j) of the function to be interpolated, tex2html_wrap_inline105 .
(REAL) One-dimensional array. A(j) must be equal to the table argument tex2html_wrap_inline107 .
(INTEGER) Number of values in arrays F and A.
(REAL) Argument at which the interpolating polynomial is to be evaluated.
(INTEGER) Requested degree of the interpolating polynomial. If M exceeds tex2html_wrap_inline109 the interpolation is carried out using a polynomial of degree tex2html_wrap_inline111 instead of M. The original value of M is unchanged on exit.


Newton's divided difference formula is used. Except when X lies near one end of the table (in which case unsymmetrically-situated interpolation points are used), the interpolation procedure is as follows:
M odd:
An interpolating polynomial passing through tex2html_wrap_inline113 successive points tex2html_wrap_inline115 symmetrically placed with respect to X is used.
M even:
The mean of two interpolating polynomials is used, each passing through tex2html_wrap_inline117 successive points tex2html_wrap_inline119 , one polynomial having an extra point to the left of X, the other having an extra point to the right of X.
If X lies too close to either end of the table for symmetrically-positioned tabular values to be used, the tex2html_wrap_inline121 values at the end of the table are used. If X lies outside the range of the table, the interpolation becomes an extrapolation, with corresponding loss of accuracy.


The argument values tex2html_wrap_inline123 must be in either strictly increasing order or strictly decreasing order. No error message is printed if this is not true.

Error handling:

Error E105.1: tex2html_wrap_inline125 or tex2html_wrap_inline127 . DIVDIF is set equal to zero and a message is printed unless subroutine KERSET (N001) has been called.


See also the write-up for POLINT (E100).

Michel Goossens Wed Jun 5 01:57:25 METDST 1996