Author(s): F. James | Library: KERNLIB |
Submitter: | Submitted: 05.09.1966 |
Language: Fortran | Revised: 18.11.1985 |
Subroutine POLINT interpolates in a table of arguments and
function values
, using an interpolating polynomial of
specified degree K-1 which passes through K successive tabular
points. The table arguments
need not be equidistant.
Meaningful results can usually be obtained only for
small values of K (typically less than 10).
SUBROUTINE subprogram
User Entry Names: POLINT
Files Referenced: Printer
External References: KERMTR, ABEND
Newton's divided difference formula is used.
. If
, the interpolation
is performed as if K had the value 20. The original value of
K is unchanged on exit.
Error handling:
Error E100.1: . A message is printed unless
subroutine KERSET (N001) has been called.
POLINT is intended for interpolation using all the
tabulated points in the array A. To use only the tabulated points
around the value of the argument X, use DIVDIF (E105).