B002: Prime Numbers and Prime Factor Decomposition
Author(s): K.S. Kölbig | Library: MATHLIB
Submitter: | Submitted: 15.11.1995
Language: Fortran | Revised:
Subroutine subprogram PRMFCT
- sets the first prime numbers
into an array;
- performs the decomposition of a positive number N<10007 into
its prime factors:
- performs the decomposition of the factorial N! of
a positive number N<10007 into its prime factors:
Note that this allows in particular to handle quotients of factorials
of rather large numbers in an exact way.
SUBROUTINE subprogram
User Entry Names: PRMFCT
Files Referenced: Unit 6
Sets the first n prime numbers into an array.
- N
- (INTEGER) The number n of prime numbers requested.
- (INTEGER) One-dimensional array of length
. On exit, NPRIME(j), ( )
contains the j-th prime numbers ,
- (INTEGER) One-dimensional array of length
. On exit, NPOWER(j), ( )
contains the value 1.
- M
- (INTEGER) Contains, on exit, the number n.
Performs the decomposition of N
( ) or N! ( ) into its prime factors.
- N
- (INTEGER) The number N itself ( ) or
its factorial ( ) to be decomposed into prime factors.
- (INTEGER) One-dimensional array of length
. On exit, NPRIME(j), ( )
contains the j-th prime numbers ,
where .
- (INTEGER) One-dimensional array of length
. On exit, NPOWER(j), ( )
contains the power corresponding to the prime number .
- M
- (INTEGER) Contains, on exit, the index defined
by and for j>M.
or .
Error handling:
Error B002.1: and
and .
Error B002.2: out of range.
In both cases, NPRIME(j) and NPOWER(j),
( ) are set to zero and a message is written
Unit 6, unless subroutine MTLSET (N002) has been called.
Michel Goossens
Fri Jun 7 08:13:13 METDST 1996