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Suppose two people in Oslo and Lund each start a development of the same file zebra.car and end up with 2 new Pam files zoslo.car and zlund.car. To check the compatibility of their changes (by eye) one can do this:

a) extract the correction cradles:

      nydiff zebra.car zoslo.car oslo.ucra .go
      nydiff zebra.car zlund.car lund.ucra .go
b) change the patch name of the corrections to identify the origin:
      use oslo.ucra   <</
      change 'UPD' to 'OSLO' in '+PAT'1 xqt 1
      use lund.ucra
      change 'UPD' to 'LUND' in '+PAT'1 xqt 1
c) make a collated listing of all changes:
      nypatchy --- change.lis .go  <</
      +LIST, OSLO, LUND.
      +PAM, T=ATT      .oslo.ucra
      +PAM, T=ATT      .lund.ucra
      +PAM, T=ATT,UPD  .zebra.car

@Thu Oct 6 15:53:34 MET 1994