The new programs of version 5 no longer handle compact binary Pam files, but only ordinary text files ("car" files). Thus versions 4 and 5 have to co-exist for some time; the program calls for version 5 are:
Replacing ypatchy:
nypatchy pam fort cradle print cc as data fort:2 cc:2 as:2 data:2
Replacing the auxiliaries yindex and ylist:
nyindex pam options print nylist pam options print
The new auxiliary Nydiff compares two Pam files to construct a cradle which can be used to update the "old" Pam file to the state of "new":
nydiff old new diff options print
The new auxiliary Nycheck checks all Patchy control-lines on a Pam file for correct syntax:
nycheck pam options print
The new auxiliary Nyshell can be used to replace fcasplit:
nyshell log options cradle print
Help about the auxiliaries can be obtained by typing for example:
nydiff --- H or nydiff helpIn the first case the option letter H asks for help about the auxiliary itself; the second case asks for help about the syntax of the parameters.