List of Tables
Related Documents
Preliminary remarks
Related Documents
List of Tables
HEPDB overview
HEPDB concepts and basic functionality
Overview of the Zebra RZ package
Data base representation in memory
HEPDB keys
Data compression
Real time optimization
Mnemonic names
ASCII data objects and HELP directory
Using the HEPDB Fortran interface
Creation of standard directories
Storage of data
Retrieval of data
Error handling
Other HEPDB facilities
Print and trace-back
Time related routines
Purging operations
HEPDB tutorial
A tutorial guide to HEPDB
What is HEPDB ?
How does HEPDB help ?
Explanation of terms
Using HEPDB - an example scenario
Further problem definition
The database servers
Placement of servers
Server management
Server configuration
Starting the server
Database Creation
Opening a database
Invoking the HEPDB interactive interface
Using start up macros
Opening a database interactively
Opening a database from FORTRAN
Database Structure
An example structure
Use of keys under HEPDB
Example use of keys
Special HEPDB directories
Creating a directory structure
Deleting a directory Structure
Deleting a directory via FORTRAN
Multiple directory deletion
Other directory related operations
Conversion of existing databases
Data storage
Storing a ZEBRA data structure
The storage of text file data
Storage of character based data
Storage of vector based data
Data retrieval
Retrieving ZEBRA data structures based on a key vector
Retrieval of data into existing software
Data removal
Deletion based on a key vector
HEPDB callable routines
Description of user callable HEPDB routines
Initialisation and termination
HEPDB, Zebra and HBOOK initialisation
Obtain file name from database prefix
Access an existing database file
Create and access a new database file
Send or cancel pending database updates
Terminate access to one or all database files
Alias manipulation
Enter, delete or retrieve an alias
Mnemonic name manipulation
Enter, delete or retrieve a mnemonic name
Help manipulation
Enter, delete or retrieve a help file
Text file manipulation
Enter or retrieve a text file
Copy character data to or from a bank
Vector manipulation
Enter or retrieve a vector
Directory manipulation
Deleting partitions from a partitioned directory
Deleting multiple directory trees
Storing information in the database
Storing single ZEBRA datastructures
Storing multiple ZEBRA datastructures
Retrieving information from the database
Retrieving ZEBRA datastructures
Supplementary return information
Retrieving multiple ZEBRA datastructures
Supplementary return information
Retrieving data structure to user specified address
Supplementary return information
Freeing information from memory
Deleting information from the database
Deleting a range of objects
Supplementary return information
Deleting objects based on key vector
Supplementary return information
Modifying information in the database
Changing the keys for an existing object
Utility routines
Changing the HEPDB logging level
Create a linear chain of keys banks
Create information bank containing usage information
Print statistics on database usage
List directory
List objects in a directory
Display objects in a directory
Obtain last object inserted into directory
Date of last directory modification
Pack and unpack date and time
Ranges or values for selection by keys
Retrieving ranges for key pairs
Setting the historical retrieval time
Description of command line interface
Conversion of existing database files
Conversion of the CPLEAR calibration database
Creation of the CHORUS database
HEPDB compression algorithms
The delta packing method
The packing method
The differences method
Extraction and Merging of database records
Copying database records from one to another database
Merging databases or database records
Transferring datastructures to and from FZ files
Converting database records into an FZ file
Reading database records from FZ files
Merging FZ files written by #HDBEXTR>HDBEXTR or #HDBMERG>HDBMERG
Updating HEPDB databases
Access control
Creating a new database
Managing the database servers
Master and slave database servers
Managing HEPDB servers at CERN
Creating a new server on CERNVM
Transfer of updates between CERNVM and HEPDB
Transfer of updates between HEPDB and other nodes
Example of configuration on two VAX systems
Making an update on a node with a MASTER server
Making an update on a node with a SLAVE server
Running CDMOVE on the slave node
Creating a new server on VXCRNA
Accessing remote database files over NFS
VMS systems running UCX
Setting up a new server on hepdb
Examples of of the flow of journal files
Updating a database residing on node hepdb from a Unix system at CERN
Updating a database residing on node hepdb from CERNVM
Updating a database residing on node hepdb from a VMS system at CERN
Updating a database residing on node hepdb from a remote VM system
Hardware configuration of node HEPDB
Return codes
Format for FZ output
Janne Saarela
Tue May 16 10:31:09 METDST 1995