On CERNVM a dedicated account is used per experiment. Thus for CPLEAR we have the account CDCPLEAR, for CHORUS we have CDCHORUS. These accounts are created using the standard USERREG procedure. Each account has 3 mini-disks plus a link to the 191 disk of the HEPDB machine. The latter is used to store the various EXECs that are required for the servers, to avoid cluttering up the CERNLIB disks.
The various disks are used as follows:
In addition there is a special server named CDHEPDB. This is used to exchange journal files between node hepdb and CERNVM. It is also used as a gateway to remote Bitnet sites. Thus, in the case of CPLEAR, updates from the VM/CMS systems in Lyon, Saclay and Rutherford are first sent via CDHEPDB to the master server on node hepdb. Once a unique key serial number and the insertion date and time has been allocated, the new journal files are then resent to the slave servers on those nodes and CERNVM.
The database servers are autologged by the machine FATONE, which also controls the FATMEN servers.