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Scale Definition and Normalization


Note that, whenever a multiplication by a power of ten appears in the output, it means that the quantity it refers to has been multiplied by that factor before being printed.

The scaling of the contents while outputing a 1-dimensional histogram is chosen by default to be linear and to span the interval between the minimum and the maximum of the contents of the channels.

The options described below allow:

If the identifier corresponds to a 2-dimensional histogram, they act on projections, slices, bands if any.


Action: The scale limits for a histogram are not calculated automatically, but they as set to the specified values. The histogram contents are left intact.

Input parameters:
Histogram identifier.
ID=0 Meams apply limit to all existing histograms.
Maximum (minimum) for contents scale of given histogram.
When FMAX FMIN then the maximum and minimum values of the scale are computed automatically.

These routines can be called as often as desired for a given histogram.


Action: Compare the contents of all histograms whose identifiers are contained in array IDVECT and assign them the same vertical scale. The comparison is made on the basis of the contents at the time routine is called.

Input parameters:
Array of N elements that contain the identifiers of the histograms to be compared The array must be dimensioned in the calling program to a length larger or equal to N.
Number of histograms to be compared
N=0 Means compare all existing 1-dimensional histograms.


This routine can be called as often as desired to recompute the histogram scales.


Action: Normalizes the total contents of a 1-dimensional histogram when printing it. Original contents are left intact.

Input parameters:
Histogram identifier
ID=0 Meams apply normalization factor to all existing histograms
Normalization factor to be applied to histogram when printing.
XNORM=0 is illegal.



Action: The contents scale for a scatter plot is multiplied by a given factor.

Input parameters:
Histogram identifier
ID=0 Means apply scaling factor to to all existing 2-dimensional histograms.
Scaling factor to be applied to the contents scale.
FACTOR=0 means automatic scaling. The range will be from the minimum to the maximum of the actual contents.

In a scatter-plot the contents scale starts at 0. and increases in steps of 1. The content of each channel is represented by one character, using the following scheme:


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Last update: Tue May 16 09:09:27 METDST 1995