HBOOK can automatically produce a skeleton user selection
function, which includes the Ntuple declaration via
the calls HBNT, HBNAME and HBNAMC,
and can be used in a later run to access the elements of
the Ntuple.
Two cases are available; one for use in batch and the other for use with
In the first case the common block names will be those
specifed by the user in the call to HBNAME or HBNAMC.
For PAW, these common names are
, /PAWCR8/
and /PAWCCH/
for storing
the ``single precision'' (LOGICAL
and REAL*4
``double precision'' (REAL*8
) and
data respectively.
Write an user function or subroutine to access an Ntuple.
must be opened before this call.
characters. ITRUNC=0
is no truncation.
A simple example of the two kinds of skeletons generated with
routine HUWFUN is given below.
Another more complex example can be found on page ,
where the code of a fully worked out subroutine based on such
a sketeton can also be studied.
In PAW, the command UWFUNC
generates a skeleton for the
RWN or CWN analysis function automatically.
Example of an Ntuple definition and HUWFUN usage
COMMON /CVECT/ V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6, V7, V8, V9, V10, + V11, V12, V13, V14, V15, V16, V17, V18, V19, V20 ... ... * *-- book N-tuple 20 * CALL HBNT(20,'1 block 20 variable N-tuple', ' ') CALL HBNAME(20,'VECT',V1,'V1,V2,V3,V4,V5,V6,V7,V8,V9,V10,V11, + V12,V13,V14,V15,V16,V17,V18,V19,V20') * ... OPEN(11,FILE='nt20.f',STATUS='UNKNOWN') OPEN(12,FILE='nt20p.f',STATUS='UNKNOWN') CALL HUWFUN(11, 20, 'NT20', 0, 'B') CALL HUWFUN(12, 20, 'NT20', 0, 'P') ...The HUWFUN output files
and nt20p.f
look like:
File nt20.f
SUBROUTINE NT20 ********************************************************* * * * This file was generated by HUWFUN. * * * ********************************************************* * * N-tuple Id: 20 * N-tuple Title: 1 block 20 variable N-tuple * Creation: 11/06/92 18.46.10 * ********************************************************* * REAL V1,V2,V3,V4,V5,V6,V7,V8,V9,V10,V11,V12,V13,V14,V15,V16,V17 + ,V18,V19,V20 COMMON /VECT/ V1,V2,V3,V4,V5,V6,V7,V8,V9,V10,V11,V12,V13,V14,V15 + ,V16,V17,V18,V19,V20 * CALL HBNAME(20,' ',0,'$CLEAR') CALL HBNAME(20,'VECT',V1,'$SET') * * *-- Enter user code here * * END
File nt20p.f
REAL FUNCTION NT20() ********************************************************* * * * This file was generated by HUWFUN. * * * ********************************************************* * * N-tuple Id: 20 * N-tuple Title: 1 block 20 variable N-tuple * Creation: 11/06/92 18.46.10 * ********************************************************* * COMMON /PAWIDN/ IDNEVT,VIDN1,VIDN2,VIDN3,VIDN(10) * REAL V1,V2,V3,V4,V5,V6,V7,V8,V9,V10,V11,V12,V13,V14,V15,V16,V17 + ,V18,V19,V20 COMMON /PAWCR4/ V1,V2,V3,V4,V5,V6,V7,V8,V9,V10,V11,V12,V13,V14 + ,V15,V16,V17,V18,V19,V20 * * *-- Enter user code here * NT20 = 1. * END