This manual serves at the same time as a Reference manual and as a User Guide for the HBOOK system. After a short introductory chapter, where the basic ideas are explained, the following chapters describe in detail the calling sequences for the different user routines.
In this manual examples are in monotype face and strings to be input by the user are underlined. In the index the page where a routine is defined is in bold, page numbers where a routine is referenced are in normal type.
In the description of the routines a *
the name of a parameter indicates that this is an output parameter.
If another *
precedes a parameter in the calling sequence, the
parameter in question is both an input and output parameter.
This document has been produced using LaTeX [1]
with the cernman
style option, developed at CERN.
A gzip compressed PostScript file
containing a complete printable version
of this manual, can be obtained from any CERN machine
by anonymous ftp as follows
(commands to be typed by the user are underlined):
ftp Connected to 220 asis00 FTP server (Version wu-2.4(2)...) ready. Name (asisftp:username): ftp Password: your_mailaddress 230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. ftp> cd cernlib/doc/ps.dir ftp> get (type get for the uncompressed version) ftp> quit