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Mapping global sections on VMS

hcreategVALUE = hcreateg(global_name,base_common,size)

Action: Function to create and map a global section .

The function first opens a file with UFO option (using HST\_OPEN\_GBL), then creates and maps the global section using SYS$CRMPSC. Open the file using SYS$SETDFPROT to set protection loose.

Input parameters:
Name of the section to be mapped
First word of COMMON to be mapped.
size of the COMMON in words.

The function value returned is equal to the global section length (pages) if the procedure was successful or an errorcode <0 if an error occurred.

HCREATEG$DIR is a LOGICAL which, if defined, gives the directory for the mapping file of the global section. In this case, the file is not deleted upon closing.

hmapgVALUE = hmapg(global_name,base_common,offset)

Action: Function to dynamically map to an existing global section.

The function maps to the global section using SYS$MGBLSC, allocating pages in the p0 region with the sec$m_expreg option.

Input parameters:
Name of the section to be mapped
First word of reference COMMON to be mapped.
Offset with respect to BASE\_COMMON of the mapped section in words,
i.e. BASE\_COMMON(OFFSET) is the first word.

The function value returned is equal to the global section length (pages) if the procedure was successful or is an errorcode <0 if an error occurred.

hfreeVALUE = hfree(global_size,base_common,offset)

Action: Function to dynamically delete/unmap global section space using the service SYS$DELTVA.

Input parameters:
Size of the section to be freed (pages).
First word of reference COMMON.
Offset with respect to BASE\_COMMON of the mapped section in words,
i.e. BASE\_COMMON(OFFSET) is the first word.

The function value returned is equal to the global section length (pages) if the procedure was successful or is an errorcode <0 if an error occurred.

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Last update: Tue May 16 09:09:27 METDST 1995