HPLOT is a package of Fortran subroutines for producing HBOOK output suitable for graphic devices or in PostScript. It is designed to produce drawings and slides of a quality suitable for presentations at conferences and scientific publications. It does not produce all the numerical information of the HBOOK output routines. It is not restricted by the line printer's poor resolution and unique character sets but it uses the full graphics capabilities of the targeted output device.
HPLOT can access an HBOOK data structure and transform it into drawings using the HIGZ graphics package. Some of the available options are :
As a simple example of the use of HPLOT let us consider a program
similar to the one in Figure . After opening a file
on unit 10 to write the metafile output (Fortran
we book, then fill the Ntuple projections, and finally plot them.
The call to HPLINT initialises HPLOT and HPLCAP
redirects the metafile output to unit 10. The parameters
given to HPLOT instruct the program to output all
histograms in the current working directory to the metafile
using ``standard'' option, while HPLEND closes the
See the HPLOT user's guide [2] for more details.
The result of the job and the resulting PostScript file
can be compared to the ``lineprinter'' output in Figure .
Example of a simple HPLOT program
PROGRAM HPTEST COMMON/PAWC/H(80000) DIMENSION X(3) CHARACTER*8 CHTAGS(3) DATA CHTAGS/' X ',' Y ',' Z '/ *.------------------------------------------------------------ CALL HLIMIT(80000) * Reopen data base OPEN(UNIT=10,file='hplot.meta',form='formatted',status='unknown') CALL HBOOK1(10,'TEST1',100,-3.,3.,0.) CALL HBOOK2(20,'TEST2',30,-3.,3.,30,-3.,3.,250.) CALL HBOOKN(30,'N-TUPLE',3,' ',1000,CHTAGS) * DO 10 I=1,10000 CALL RANNOR(A,B) X(1)=A X(2)=B X(3)=A*A+B*B CALL HFN(30,X) 10 CONTINUE * CALL HPROJ1(10,30,0,0,1,999999,1) CALL HPROJ2(20,30,0,0,1,999999,1,2) CALL HPLINT(0) CALL HPLCAP(-10) CALL HPLOT(0,' ',' ',0) CALL HPLEND CALL HINDEX END
Version 1.13/05 of HIGZ started ........................................................................................................... . . . HBOOK HBOOK CERN VERSION 4.13 HISTOGRAM AND PLOT INDEX 06/02/92 . . . ........................................................................................................... . . . NO TITLE ID B/C ENTRIES DIM NCHA LOWER UPPER ADDRESS LENGTH . . . ........................................................................................................... . . . . . 1 TEST1 10 32 10000 1 X 100 -0.300E+01 0.300E+01 78388 144 . . . . . . 2 TEST2 20 8 10000 2 X 30 -0.300E+01 0.300E+01 78240 298 . . Y 30 -0.300E+01 0.300E+01 77963 268 . . . . 3 N-TUPLE 30 N 77914 39 . . . . . ........................................................................................................... MEMORY UTILISATION MAXIMUM TOTAL SIZE OF COMMON /PAWC/ 80000Output generated by HPLOT on printer with graphics capabilities