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Hardcopies via a Metafile

Using a metafile it is possible to make hardcopy plots on devices connected to the central computing facilities. The devices currently supported include: $==>$ To be updated ...

It is not necessary to be logged on to one of the computer centre machines to use these services. The command GRPLOT may be used to output metafiles on any of the central plotting devices from all centrally supported machines at CERN connected via either the DECNET or TCP/IP protocols, as the command first transfers the metafile over the network to the correct destination. The GRPLOT command has replaced the previous collection of GKSVT, GKSCP, GKSX87, and GKS3812; rather than having a separate command for each plotter, the output device is provided as a parameter. The mechanism for naming output devices is the same as that for the latest version of XPRINT.

More details of how GRPLOT operates may be found in reference [9], or by typing HELP GRPLOT or FIND GRPLOT. Postscript and VERSACOLOR colour plotter produces output on A4 cut sheets. However, the paper and ink donor rolls are expensive. Thus, users are asked to use the device only for the final version of their plots, and not whilst debugging programs. Plots can not be released automatically, and users have to release them by hand using a terminal next to the device which is installed in the user area on the ground floor of building 513.

Janne Saarela
Mon Apr 3 17:00:12 METDST 1995