As a matter of policy, a recommendation was made by HEPCCC to base future HEP computer graphics applications on the ISO standard Graphical Kernel System, GKS [2] and GKS-3D [3]. GKS had been in use already at CERN for 2D applications, but the decision to use GKS also for 3D work led to a new tender operation being carried out in 1986. This resulted in the firm GTS-GRAL, of Darmstadt, being selected to provide new implementations of both GKS and GKS-3D (called GKSGRAL and GKSGRAL-3D). These have been installed on all the major CERN operating systems (VM/CMS, UNICOS, VMS, AEGIS and UNIX) and the contract with GTS-GRAL includes provision for institutes affiliated to CERN to obtain a licence for the use of the software at very favourable rates.
GKSGRAL drivers are available for a large range of graphics terminals. Users should be aware of the implications in testing and maintenance work which has to be carried out on the very large number of operating-system/driver combinations.