Uptodate ???
As part of the agreement signed between CERN and GTS-GRAL, GTS-GRAL contracted to allow CERN to distribute the GKSGRAL and GKSGRAL-3D packages to affiliated institutes (in Europe and worldwide) on payment by the institute of a nominal embedded-licence fee. This licence allows the software to be used only in experiments conducted in collaboration with CERN. This means that all members of a CERN collaboration should be able to use a common implementation of GKS/GKS-3D.
Since signing the original contract, GTS-GRAL have agreed to extend the scope of the embedded licence to include the use of the software for any HEP experiments, not only those performed at CERN, on payment of an additional sum. However, the very low fee agreed with GTS-GRAL does not entitle the packages to be made available for general applications outside of HEP, and institutes are advised that they have both legal and moral obligations to take a standard licence (less 25 if they wish to do this.
In addition, a further extension to the original contract now provides CERN with the right to print and distribute GTS-GRAL User Manuals to affiliated institutes holding GTS-GRAL licences. This means that both software distribution and manuals may be obtained from CERN. CERN will charge the institute for printing plus a small handling charge.