Next: QMS Lasergrapfix 800
Up: GKSGRAL Workstation Description
- workstation type:
- See Appendix on Page
- -
- 12201 Portrait -Colour
- -
- 12202 Landscape-Colour
- -
- 12203 Portrait -Monochrome
- -
- 12204 Landscape-Monochrome
- Connection id:
- If
then an output file will be written in
Encapsulated PostScript format. See section on Page
- GKS Level
- 2a
- max. display space:
- 0.1894*0.2794 metres (portrait)
- max. display space:
- 0.2794*0.1894 metres (Landscape)
- device specific line types:
- none
- user definable line types:
- none
- line-width scale factor:
- 1.
- special marker types:
- user definable marker types:
- none
- minimum marker size:
- 1.0 mm
- nominal marker size:
- 2.0 mm
- maximum marker size:
- max. y dimension
- hardware characters:
- font 1 (Times-Roman), precision 0,1
- -
- font -1 (Times-Roman)
- -
- font -2 (Times-Italic)
- -
- font -3 (Times-Bold)
- -
- font -4 (Times-BoldItalic)
- -
- font -5 (Helvetica)
- -
- font -6 (Helvetica-Oblique)
- -
- font -7 (Helvetica-Bold)
- -
- font -8 (Helvetica-BoldOblique)
- -
- font -9 (Courier)
- -
- font -10 (Courier-Oblique)
- -
- font -11 (Courier-Bold)
- -
- font -12 (Courier-BoldOblique)
- -
- font -13 (Greek and Symbols)
- DIN 66003:
- font 1, precision 2
- software characters:
- see introduction to Appendix
- Escape Character:
- The back-slash (' ') character within
a string is used as an 'escape' character with the following effect:
- n
- linefeed (newline)
- r
- carriage return
- t
- horizontal tab
- b
- backspace
- f
- form feed
- back-slash
- (
- left parenthesis
- )
- right parenthesis
- ddd
- octal character code ddd
If the character following the back-slash is not one of the above
then it is ignored.
For more details see the PostScript Language Reference Manual.
- CERN-defined hatch styles:
- -101 to -124
- device dep. hatch styles:
- -1 to -13
- pattern:
- none
- available colours or intensities:
- 16 (via shading)
- pre-defined colour indices:
- 8
- Connection id.
- On-line:1 - 99
- -
- Off-line:101 - 199 (Generates a file on FORTRAN logical unit
(conid - 100))
- VAX OPEN statement
Next: QMS Lasergrapfix 800
Up: GKSGRAL Workstation Description
Janne Saarela
Mon Apr 3 17:00:12 METDST 1995