At CERN there are several machine-readable include files which should be used when specifying GKS enumerated types and workstations. The use of symbolic names greatly aids programming and, even more important, program debugging.
The include file GTSDEV.INC contains the symbolic names and codes for the various Workstation Types available for GKSGRAL.
The following is a listing of the file ENUM.INC, containing mnemonic FORTRAN names and their values for the GKS ENUMERATION types.
C C ENUM.INC C GKS and GKS-3D Enumeration Types C ISO/DIS-8651-1 & ISO/IEC DIS 8806-1 C (Last Update: 27-04-89) C C aspect source: bundled individual INTEGER GBUNDL, GINDIV PARAMETER (GBUNDL=0, GINDIV=1) C C clear control flag: conditionally, always INTEGER GCONDI, GALWAY PARAMETER (GCONDI=0, GALWAY=1) C C clipping disable and enable INTEGER GNCLIP, GCLIP PARAMETER (GNCLIP=0, GCLIP=1) C C colour available: monochrome, colour INTEGER GMONOC, GCOLOR PARAMETER (GMONOC=0, GCOLOR=1) C C coordinate switch: World Coordinates, Normalized Device Coordinates INTEGER GWC, GNDC PARAMETER (GWC=0, GNDC=1) C C deferral mode: ASAP, BNIG, BNIL, ASTI INTEGER GASAP, GBNIG, GBNIL, GASTI PARAMETER (GASAP=0, GBNIG=1, GBNIL=2, GASTI=3) C C detectability: undetectable, detectable INTEGER GUNDET, GDETEC PARAMETER (GUNDET=0, GDETEC=1) C C device coordinate units: meters, other INTEGER GMETRE, GOTHU PARAMETER (GMETRE=0, GOTHU=1) C C display surface: empty not-empty, empty INTEGER GNEMPT, GEMPTY PARAMETER (GNEMPT=0, GEMPTY=1) C C dynamic modification: IRG, IMM INTEGER GIRG, GIMM PARAMETER (GIRG=0, GIMM=1) C C echo switch: no-echo, echo INTEGER GNECHO, GECHO PARAMETER (GNECHO=0, GECHO=1) C C fill area interior style: hollow, solid, pattern, hatch INTEGER GHOLLO, GSOLID, GPATTR, GHATCH PARAMETER (GHOLLO=0, GSOLID=1, GPATTR=2, GHATCH=3) C C highlighting: normal, highlighted INTEGER GNORML, GHILIT PARAMETER (GNORML=0, GHILIT=1) C C input device status: none, ok, no-pick, no-choice INTEGER GNONE, GOK, GNPICK, GNCHOI PARAMETER (GNONE=0, GOK=1, GNPICK=2, GNCHOI=2) C C input class: none, locator, stroke, valuator, choice, pick, string INTEGER GNCLAS, GLOCAT, GSTROK, GVALUA, * GCHOIC, GPICK, GSTRIN PARAMETER (GNCLAS=0, GLOCAT=1, GSTROK=2, GVALUA=3, * GCHOIC=4, GPICK=5, GSTRIN=6) C C implicit regeneration: mode suppressed, allowed INTEGER GSUPPD, GALLOW PARAMETER (GSUPPD=0, GALLOW=1) C C level of GKS: L0a, L0b, L0c, L1a, L1b, L1c, L2a, L2b, L2c INTEGER GL0A, GL0B, GL0C, GL1A, GL1B, * GL1C, GL2A, GL2B, GL2C PARAMETER (GL0A=0, GL0B=1, GL0C=2, GL1A=3, GL1B=4, * GL1C=5, GL2A=6, GL2B=7, GL2C=8) C C new frame action necessary: no, yes INTEGER GNO, GYES PARAMETER (GNO=0, GYES=1) C C off/on switch for edge flag INTEGER GOFF, GON PARAMETER (GOFF=0, GON=1) C C operating mode: request, sample, event INTEGER GREQU, GSAMPL, GEVENT PARAMETER (GREQU=0, GSAMPL=1, GEVENT=2) C C operating state value: GKS closed, GKS open, Workstation open, C Workstation active, Segment open INTEGER GGKCL, GGKOP, GWSOP, GWSAC, * GSGOP PARAMETER (GGKCL=0, GGKOP=1, GWSOP=2, GWSAC=3, * GSGOP=4) C C presence of invalid values: absent, present INTEGER GABSNT, GPRSNT PARAMETER (GABSNT=0, GPRSNT=1) C C projection type for 3D: Parallel or Perspective INTEGER GPARL, GPERS PARAMETER (GPARL=0, GPERS=1) C C regeneration flag: postpone, perform INTEGER GPOSTP, GPERFO PARAMETER (GPOSTP=0, GPERFO=1) C C relative input priority: higher, lower INTEGER GHIGHR, GLOWER PARAMETER (GHIGHR=0, GLOWER=1) C C simultaneous events flag: no-more, more INTEGER GNMORE, GMORE PARAMETER (GNMORE=0, GMORE=1) C C text alignment: horizontal normal, left, center, right INTEGER GAHNOR, GALEFT, GACENT, GARITE PARAMETER (GAHNOR=0, GALEFT=1, GACENT=2, GARITE=3) C C text alignment: vertical normal, top, cap, half, base, bottom INTEGER GAVNOR, GATOP, GACAP, GAHALF, * GABASE, GABOTT PARAMETER (GAVNOR=0, GATOP=1, GACAP=2, GAHALF=3, * GABASE=4, GABOTT=5) C C text path: right, left, up, down INTEGER GRIGHT, GLEFT, GUP, GDOWN PARAMETER (GRIGHT=0, GLEFT=1, GUP=2, GDOWN=3) C C text precision: string, character, stroke INTEGER GSTRP, GCHARP, GSTRKP PARAMETER (GSTRP=0, GCHARP=1, GSTRKP=2) C C type of returned values: set, realized INTEGER GSET, GREALI PARAMETER (GSET=0, GREALI=1) C C update state: not-pending, pending INTEGER GNPEND, GPEND PARAMETER (GNPEND=0, GPEND=1) C C vector/raster/other: type vector, raster, other INTEGER GVECTR, GRASTR, GOTHWK PARAMETER (GVECTR=0, GRASTR=1, GOTHWK=2) C C visibility: invisible, visible INTEGER GINVIS, GVISI PARAMETER (GINVIS=0, GVISI=1) C C workstation category: Output, Input, Output+Input, Workstation C Independent Segment Storage, Metafile Output, Metafile Input INTEGER GOUTPT, GINPUT, GOUTIN, GWISS, * GMO, GMI PARAMETER (GOUTPT=0, GINPUT=1, GOUTIN=2, GWISS=3, * GMO=4, GMI=5) C C workstation state: inactive, active INTEGER GINACT, GACTIV PARAMETER (GINACT=0, GACTIV=1) C C list of GDP attributes: polyline, polymarker, text, fill area INTEGER GPLATT, GPMATT, GTXATT, GFAATT, * GEDATT PARAMETER (GPLATT=0, GPMATT=1, GTXATT=2, GFAATT=3, * GEDATT=4) C C line type: solid, dash, dot, dash-dot INTEGER GLSOLI, GLDASH, GLDOT, GLDASD PARAMETER (GLSOLI=1, GLDASH=2, GLDOT=3, GLDASD=4) C C marker type: '.', '+', '*', 'o', 'x' INTEGER GPOINT, GPLUS, GAST, GOMARK, * GXMARK PARAMETER (GPOINT=1, GPLUS=2, GAST=3, GOMARK=4, * GXMARK=5) C C For use in Inquiry Functions returning both Current & Requested Values INTEGER GCURVL, GRQSVL PARAMETER (GCURVL=0, GRQSVL=1) C