Both GKSGRAL and GKSGRAL-3D use the same 2D device drivers. Thus, any 2D device supported by GKSGRAL can also be driven from GKSGRAL-3D. In addition, GKSGRAL-3D supports the IBM 5080, TEKTRONIX 4235/6, and the MEGATEK WHIZZARD series (models 72xx and 33xx) which have 3D hardware transformations.
The list of devices supported may be found in the include file
GTSDEV reproduced in Appendix on Page .
although one should check the latest machine-readable version to see
if there have been any changes.
The precise definition of the facilities provided by each workstation
driver, such as the assignment of keys, number of available colours,
and so on, is given in the Workstation Description Tables.
An abridged version of the most common of these may be found in
Appendix on Page .