+ -

Total cross-section and energy loss for e e -pair production by muons

+-------------+                                               +----------##
| Geant 3.11  |               GEANT User's Guide              | PHYS450  ##
+-------------+                                               +----------##

Author(s) : L.Urban Submitted: 24.03.86 Origin : Same Revised: 19.12.92


                    |CALL GPRELA  |

GPRELA fills the tables for the energy loss of muons due to the (soft) + - e e -pair production and nuclear interactions in different materials. For energy loss due pair production, it calls the function GPRELM. The energy binning is set within the array ELOW (COMMON CGMULO) in the routine GPHYSI. In the tables, the energy loss due to the pair production is summed with that from other processes. The following pointers are used:

pointer to the I'th material + -
JEL2 = LQ(JMA-2)
pointer to dE/dx for mu mu

GPRELA is called at initialization time by GPHYSI.

               VALUE = GPRELM(Z,T,CUT)

GPRELM calculates the energy loss due to the direct pair production of a muon with kinetic energy T in material with atomic number Z. It is called by GPRELA for energies which are below the cut CUT. Above this cut, the direct pair production is simulated explicitly (see PHYS 451) and tabulation of these continuous losses is not needed. GPRELM is called by GPRELA.

                    |CALL GPRSGA  |

GPRSGA calculates the total cross-section for the pair production of photons and the direct pair production of muons in all materials. It tabulates the mean free path, lambda= ((1)/(Sigma)) (in cm) as a function of medium and energy. For the direct pair production of muons, it calls the function GPRSGM. The energy binning is set within the array ELOW (COMMON CGMULO) in the routine GPHYSI. The following pointers are used:

pointer to the I'th material
pointer to pair production cross-sections
pointer for muons

GPRSGA is called at initialization time by GPHYSI.

               VALUE = GPRSGM(Z,T,CCUT)

GPRSGM calculates the total cross-section for the direct pair production of a muon with kinetic energy T in material with atomic number Z. It is called by GPRSGA for kinetic energies which are above the cut CCUT and for which the pair production is simulated explicitly (see PHYS 451).


When a muon of high total energy E moves in the field of an atom of charge + - th + Z, it can radiate a e e -pair (4 order QED process). Let's call E and - E the total energy of the emitted positron and electron respectively. Defining

           +   -                      +  -     +   -
    nu =((E  +E )/ (E))  and  rho= ((E -E )/ (E + E ))                 (1)

the differential cross-section for the process can be written [bib-LOHM]:

       2                         4                  - 2                             2
    ((d sigma)/ (dnudrho))= alpha ((2)/(3pi))(Zlambda) ((1-v)/ (v))[phi +(((m)/(M))) phi  ](2)
                                                                       e                mu


= 1/137 (the fine structure constant) -11
= 3.8616 10 cm (the electron Compton wavelength)
= k/E, the fraction of energy transferred to the photon
= electron mass
= muon mass
= E-M is the kinetic energy of the muon.

The explicit form of the terms phi and phi can be found in HREF=H2PHYSBiblio.html#bib-LOHM>[bib-LOHM]. The kinematic ranges of nu and rho are:

      ((4m)/ (E))= nu       <=        nu       < =      nu          =    (1-3sqrt(e)((M)/ (4E))Z   )
                     min                                  max
                                                                                2     2
               0= rho       <=    |rho(nu)|    < =    rho   (nu)    =    [1-((6M )/ (E (1-nu)))]sqrt(1- ((4m)/(nuE)))
                     min                                 max

where e = 2.718

+ - E is the total energy cut-off below which the emitted e e -pair are c treated as continuous energy loss by the muon, and above which they are explicitly generated (PPCUTM in the program), and v = E /E. The mean c c

+ - value of the energy lost by the incident muon due to the (soft) e e -pair is:

                           nu        rho   (nu)
                             c          max            2
        (Z, T,E ) =2E nut  dnu nu   int    d rho((d sigma)/(dnudrho))    (GeV barn /atom)(4)
        soft       c        min          0

+ - whereas the total cross-section for the emission of a hard e e -pair is:

                     nu          rho   (nu)
                       max          max           2
    sigma(Z, T,E ) =2 int  dnunu    int    drho((d sigma)/ (dnudrho))        (barn / atom)(5)
                c     nu             0

Parameterization of energy loss and total cross-section

2 Instead of using the explicit formula for d sigma/dnudrho (1) we have chosen to parameterize directly (Z,T,E ) and sigma(Z, T,E ) as: soft c c

       sigma(Z, T,E )    =    Z[Z +xi     (1 +gammaln Z)][ln((E   )/(E))]     F     (Z, X(6)
                   c                 sigma                     max             sigma
                                                             min        beta
        (Z, T,E )    =    Z[Z +xi (1 +deltaln Z)]E[((E -E   )/ (E))]    F (Z,X,Y)    (7)
        soft       c                 l                    c  c               l

where xi , xi , alpha, beta, gamma and delta are parameters obtained sigma l

min by a fitting procedure and E = Ev =4m and E = Ev c min e max max

The functions F (Z,X,Y) (i= sigma, l) have the form: i

    F (Z, X,Y) =F  (X, Y)+ZF   (X,Y)                                   (8)
     i           i0         i1

where F (X,Y) denotes a function constructed from two polynomials ij

                  P   (X,Y)           if Y< =0
    F  (X, Y)= {   pos                          .                      (9)
     ij           P   (X,Y)           if Y>0

neg pos and P , P fulfil the conditions:

ij ij

                     neg                  pos
                    P   (X,Y =0)    =    P   (X, Y= 0)                (10)
                     ij                   ij
              neg                                 pos
    . ((deltaP   )/(deltaY))|       =    .((deltaP    )/(deltaY))|    (11)
                             Y=0                                  Y=0
              ij                                  ij

The detailed form of the P polynomials are: ij

     neg                                                         5
    P   (X, Y)    =    (C + C X+ ... +C X ) +(C  +C X +. ..+ C  X )Y
                         1   2         6 5     7   8          12
                                             5  2                        5  5
                       +(C  + C  X+ ... +C  X )Y  +. ..+ (C  + .. .+C   X )Y
                          13   14         18               31        36
     pos                                 5                       5
    P   (X, Y)    =    (C + C X+ ... +C X ) +(C  +C X +. ..+ C  X )Y
                         1   2         6       7   8          12
                                             5  2                        5  5
                       +(C  + C  X+ ... +C  X )Y  +. ..+ (C  + .. .+C   X (12)
                          37   38         42               55        60
     neg                                    4                         4
    P   (X, Y)    =    (C  + C  X+ ... +C  X ) +(C   +C  X +. ..+ C  X )Y
     i1                  61   62         65       66   67          70
                                             4  2                        4  4
                       +(C  + C  X+ ... +C  X )Y  +. ..+ (C  + .. .+C   X )Y
                          71   72         75               81        85
     pos                                    4                         4
    P   (X, Y)    =    (C  + C  X+ ... +C  X ) +(C   +C  X +. ..+ C  X )Y
                         61   62         65       66   67          70
                                             4  2                         4  4
                       +(C  + C  X+ ... +C  X )Y  +. ..+ (C  + .. .+C    X )Y
                          86   87         90               96        100


= ln(E/M)
= ln(E /v E) for j =sigma,l (v ,v c j sigma l parameters to be fixed)

By a numerical (twofold) integration of the formulae (2), (6) and (7) above, we have calculated 1800 ``data points" in the range Z= 1, 6, 13, 26, 50, 82, 92 and the energy ranges 1GeV <=T< = 10 TeV and 4m<=E < =T c and performed a least-squares fit to determine the parameters. The fitted values of the parameters are in the DATA statements in the functions GPRSGM and GPRELM, which compute the formulae (9) and (8) respectively. The accuracy of the fit:

10% for T< =5Gev ((Deltasigma)/(sigma))<= { 5% for T>5Gev .

((Delta )/( ))< = { 10% for T< =5Gev . soft soft 4% for T>5Gev

The function GPRELM contains a second formula to calculate the total energy lost by the muon due to + - direct e e -production (this formula is used if

1/3 E >=E =E- 0.75pem Z ). This formula gives the total energy loss c max mu with an error less than 1%. It has the form:

        (Z, T)    =        (Z,T,E  = E   )                    (13)
                               soft      c    max
                                                           2      2
                      =    Z(Z+ 1)E   [d + (d X+ d Y)+ (d X + d XY )+ ...
                                   max  1    2    3      4     5
                                     6      5             6
                           ... +(d  X  +d  X  Y+. .. +d  Y )]
                                  22     23            28

1/3 where X= ln(E/M) and X= Z . The fitted parameters d can be found in i the DATA statement within the function GPRELM.

Energy loss due to the direct pair production

+ - The energy lost by the muon due to the (soft) e e -pair radiated is tabulated at initialization time as a function of the medium and of the energy by the routine GPRELA.

    ((dE)/ (dx))= ((Nrho)/(A))    (Z,T, E )  in GeV/cm            (15)
                                  soft       c

Avogadro's number
atomic weight of the material 3
density of the material (in g/cm )
formula (7) above. soft

For a mixture or a molecule:

    ((dE)/ (dx))= rhosum w ((1)/ (rho ))(((dE)/(dx)))                 (16)
                          i          i               i
where w is the proportion by weight of the i'th element. i

+ - In the table, the dE/dx due to the e e -pair production is summed with the energy loss coming from others processes, namely ionization, Bremsstrahlung and nuclear interaction.

Total cross-section of the direct pair production

+ - The mean free path, lambda, for a muon to radiate a e e -pair is given by:

    lambda =((1)/ (Sigma))  (in cm)                                   (17)

where Sigma is the macroscopic cross-section (1/cm). This macroscopic cross-section can be written as:

    Sigma =((Nrhosigma(Z, E,E ))/(A))                                (18a)

for a compound or mixture:

    Sigma =((Nrho sum p sigma(Z , E,E ))/(sum  p A ))                (18b)
                   i   i       i     c      i   i i

Avogadro's number
Z(Z )
atomic number of the material (i'th component i of the material)
A(A )
atomic weight of the material (i'th i component)
density of the material
total cross-section per atom for pair production (formula (6) above)
proportion by number of the i'th element in the i material p ' w /A where w is the corresponding proportion by weight i i i i
cut-off energy ((PPCUTM in the program). c

This mean free path is tabulated at initialization time as a function of the medium and of the energy by routine GPRSGA.