+-------------+ +----------## | Geant 3.15 | GEANT User's Guide | CONS103 ## +-------------+ +----------##
Author(s) : R.Brun, M.Maire Submitted: 05/05/86 Origin : M.Maire Revised: 10/12/92
+------------------------------------------------------------+ |CALL GPRMAT (IMATE,IPART,MECA,KDIM,TKIN) | +------------------------------------------------------------+
User routine to print and interpolate the dE/dx and cross-sections tabulated in JMATE banks corresponding to : material IMATE, particle IPART, mechanism name MECA, kinetic energies TKIN.
The MECAnism name can be :
For hadrons it also computes the total hadronic cross section from GHEISHA ('HADG') or FLUKA ('HADF') programs.
Input parameters:
Called by: 119>