The communication between program segments of the GEANT system is assured by the contents of the data structures and by the definition of long range variables in several common blocks. In addition, within the program segments, the subroutines communicate with each other through actual arguments and through the common block variables. A detailed list of the user accessed common blocks is given in [ZZZZ010]. Their also the variables initialized in GINIT and the possibility in overriding them through data records [BASE040] or interactive commands [XINT] are specified.
In most of the cases there is a correspondence between a given data structure and a given common block where the current contents of the banks are stored. The labelled common blocks are accessible through Patchy/CMZ sequences identified by the name of the COMMON. They are defined in the Patch GCDES.
Unless otherwise specified, the long range variables are initialised in GINIT. When non-zero, default values are quoted between brackets. If the value may be modified the keyword for the data record and for the interactive command is also given in bold characters between brackets.
F.Bruyant, M.Maire