Installing VAXTAP for tape access on VAX/VMS systems

FATMEN interfaces to the CERN Program Library package VAXTAP to provide tape support on VAX/VMS systems. The long writeup should also be consulted. [bib-VAXTAP]

The package is installed by running a command file that can be generated by the following PATCHY run:


Once this command file has been extracted, installation of the package proceeds by typing


and answering the questions. If VAXTAP is to be installed on a system without access to the HEPVM Tape Management System, as is likely to be the case when installing it outside CERN, answer NO to the first question. Answering A or ALL to the second question will cause the installation to complete without any further dialogue.

When the command file completes, the file SETUPSTARTUP.COM should be edited and tailored.

$ !---------------------------------------------------------------------------*
$ !
$ !      Startup command file for SETUP/STAGE/LABELDUMP
$ !      Modify logical name definitions as required for your node.
$ !---------------------------------------------------------------------------*
$ !
$ !
$ !
$ !     Create lnm table for SETUP information ...
$       create/name_table/parent=lnm$system_table/prot=w:wred lnm$setup
$ !
$ !      Define directory for .EXE files
$      define/system setup_exe cern_root:[exe]
$ !
$ !      Allow usage of tapes interactively
$ !
$      define/system setup_enabled "INTERACTIVE"
$ !
$ !      Disallow specific users from using tapes (useful to stop troublemakers)
$ !
$ !      define/system setup_notapes "DECNET,CERNET"
$ !
$ !      Allow tapes in these batch queues
$ !
$!      define/system setup_queues "SYS$TAPES"
$!      define/system setup_queues "SYS$BATCH,SYS$TAPES"
$!      define/system setup_queues "*" ! all queues
$ !
$ !      Set up lists of available device types
$ !
$      define/system setup_tk50s "VSDD18$MKA700:"
$      define/system setup_8200s "UXDDB1$MUB0:"
$      define/system setup_exabytes setup_8200s ! Can also have aliases...
$ !
$ !      Allow tape staging
$ !
$      define/system stage_tapes "YES"
$ !      Must also ensure that DISK$STAGE exists...

See also the description of the FMEDIA routine and the MEDIA shell command for information on configuring generic device names in FATMEN. The generic device names used by VAXTAP must match those used by FATMEN. Thus, if the generic device type for a given medium is set to DAT, the logical name SETUPDATS must point to a list of valid device names.

See also the installation instructions in PATCH DOC of the VAXTAP pam file.