This program is generated using the command MAKEPACK FATSEND. Alternatively, one may use a job such as the following:
VAX/VMS systems $if p1 .nes. "" then goto 'p1 $ y: $ypatchy cern:[pro.pam]ZEBRA.pam fatsend.for :go +use,qcde. +use,vaxvms,*fatsend. +exe. +pam,11,r=qcde. +pam,12,t=c,a. +quit $ f: $for fatsend $ l: $link fatsend,'lib$,sys$input/opt sys$library:vaxcrtl/shareable sys$system:sys.stb multinet_socket_library/share $ exit Unix systems (Use f77 instead of xlf on non-AIX machines) ypatchy /cern/pro/pam/ZEBRA.pam fatsend.f :go <The program can be tailored by setting the variables FMLOGL and FMWAKEUP, e.g.
$fmlogl:==3 $fmwakeup:==3600 ! Once an hourOn Unix systems, the tailoring is done using environmental variables. The following example is for the C shell.
setenv fmlogl 3 setenv fmwakeup 3600On VM/CMS systems, the SETENV command should be used, as in
SETENV FMWAKEUP 3600On MVS systems no equivalent to environmental variables exists. Therefore names files entries are used, as shown below.
:nick.fatsrv :wakeup.60 :logl.0 :nick.fatsend :wakeup.3600 :logl.3 :nick.FMSGI :mvsid.r01d0 :userid.fmd0 :node.d0sg01 :protocl.tcpip :dir1//fnal/d0/*