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Preliminary remarks
Related Documents
List of Tables
CSPACK -- Overview
Software packages used in High Energy Physics
ZEBRA - The data structure management system
EPIO - A machine independant input/output package
KUIP - The user interface package
HBOOK - The histogramming package
PAW - The Physics Analysis Workstation
FATMEN - A Distributed File and Tape Management System
PATCHY - The Source Code Management System
CMZ - A Code Management system using ZEBRA
Components of the CSPACK system
CZ - The ZEBRA Communications Package
XZ - The remote I/O package
TCPAW - The Networking Package
SYSREQ - The System Service Request Facility
TELNETG - A extended TELNET program
TAGIBM - A 3270 terminal emulator
INETD - the internet daemon
REXEC - the remote execution daemon
Alternatives and recommendations
ftp transfer
NFS access
ZEBRA RZ files
ZEBRA FZ files
PATCHY files
CSPACK -- Tutorial
A tutorial introduction to CSPACK
File transfer using the ZFTP program
Advantages of using ZFTP
Record transfer using the FORTRAN interface
File transfer using the FORTRAN callable routines
CSPACK -- User Guide
File conversion and commands
File transfer commands
General commands
Distributed PAW
FORTRAN callable interface
Basic client-server routines
Open communication with a remote node
Close communication with the current remote node
Switch communication to another node
Return real time elapsed since last call
Send text string to current remote node
Read text string from remote server
Send character array to remote server process
Get character array from remote server process
Transfer data between client and server
Routines to convert or copy files
Convert RZ file to FZ exchange format
Convert RZ file from FZ exchange format
Routines to transfer files
Get text file
Send text file
Get binary file: fixed length records
Send binary file: fixed length records
Get FORTRAN direct access file
Send FORTRAN direct access file
Get binary PAM file
Send binary PAM file
Get ZEBRA FZ file
Send ZEBRA FZ file
Get RZ file
Send ZEBRA RZ file
Get exchange format file
Send exchange format file
Routines to perform remote I/O
Open remote file
Close remote file
Open a remote RZ file
Read record from remote file
Write record to remote file
Read a line from a remote file
Write a line to a remote file
Rewind remote file
Inquire if remote file exists
General utility routines
Initialise XZ package
Set log level of XZ package
Print date of generation of package
Directory utilities
Change remote directory
Change local directory
Get current remote directory
Get current local directory
Issue remote LS command
Issue local LS command
Issue remote MV command
Issue local MV command
Issue remote RM command
Issue local RM command
The SYSREQ FORTRAN interface
The ZEBRA and PAW servers
Server Routines to perform remote I/O
Open remote file
Close remote file
Read record from remote file
Write record to remote file
Rewind remote file
Inquire if remote file exists
General utility routines
Print date of generation of package
Remote directory utilities
Change remote directory
Get current remote directory
Issue remote LS command
Format of the netrc and ftplogin files
CSPACK -- Installation and Management Guide
Availability of CSPACK at CERN
Installing and using the CSPACK package
Configuration for use with TCPAW
Unix specific details
VAX/VMS specific details
DEC UCX version 3.0
DEC UCX prior to version 3.0
VM/CMS specific details
CSPACK overview
Janne Saarela
Tue May 16 09:22:05 METDST 1995